Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Another Chang-ian theory

Hey everyone, a friend at work sent this to me. The theory is pretty long winded and convoluted, but he includes a lot of pretty pictures so reading through isn't that bad. Also interesting, the same friend was sent something by someone they knew and it was one of our posts! We've got a 'net presence! Anyway, here's the link.




Blogger jonniechang said...

I read this awhile back, and as thought-out and proven as this guy's theory is, a lot of it is purely assumption, for instance:

"The Dharma Initiative under Alvar Hanso (if both of these thing exist in the Lost reality - much of the Orientation film is red herrings for the 'survivors') used a technology based on remote viewing and electromagnetism to power this magnetosphere and to influence the lives of the future island candidates. As stated in another of my posts: every strange (and a lot of mundane) occurrences in Lost can be attributed to electromagnetism as wielded by the collective consciousness on the island (see "Enlightenment Theory"). When all the candidates were in place, i.e. on the plane, the collective consciousness knocked everyone out, brought it down, cryogenically preserved them, dismantled the plane (placing enough debris in the ocean to ensure an "everybody dead" verdict); years later, some plane debris was placed on the beach with the passengers and the scene was set to give the illusion that they had JUST crashed. Then the collective consciousness woke them up."

That's a lot to believe, particularly the stuff about a collective consciousness which he doesn't really explain. Not sure how much I believe that.

His info on electromagnetism and the monitoring of poles is something I've read in other theories as well, and I think there's more backup on that topic. It seems the study of electromagnetism and its effects is a big part of the Dharma Initiative, perhaps its focus...

5:35 PM  
Blogger Casabla said...

It was the "Doctors or Others or Both" post from 11/01 with all the pix of Zeke Degroot et al. Pretty cool though, huh?

11:23 AM  
Blogger jonniechang said...

Nish -- isn't that one of your posts?

12:54 PM  

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