Word Freak

Aside from the Gilgamesh illusion (42 down, natch), is there anything else anyone can find in Locke's crossword puzzle? I looked up ETE (26 down), which has been cited as an anagram for Electronic Training Environment, Engineering Test Equipment, and Environmental Test Engineering.
And is it just me, or do some of these words make absolutely no sense? Sure, crosswords use combination clues (like "a man" = "aman"), but nonetheless, "acolins," "alain, " and "ghare" aren't in the dictionary. I guess Locke has to have a few flaws, like being bad at crosswords.
Eko rules!
P.S. In concordance with my theory that Eko is Locke's "echo", their first words spoken are simply: "Hello" and "Hello."
Gamgee - while I was watching this episode and I was like, "oh, i wish I could freeze frame that" so I'm glad you did. And told us there was nothing.
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It's possible that the ones that seem to be nonsense are names; "alain," for example, is a man's first name, a British variation of Alan (like Jeffery and Geoffrey). Google returns 47,000 results for "ghare," so that's hardly a hapax legomenon either.
On the other hand, they could be gibberish or red herrings.
12:25 AM
mark said...
Also, the Gilgamesh/Enkidu thing could relate to the Locke/Ecko theory.
And if you look closely, it seems that at least two different people worked on the crossword, so maybe it's Desmond that sucks.
I noticed that. I just attributed it to sloppy continuity, as usual. AKA a PA does a crossword puzzle and Terry Quinn writes "GILGAME...H" etc
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