An Echo

I caught wind of this idea on a message board but have been fleshing it out on my own. Eko and Locke. Reverse one of their names and see the other. "One is white, one is black." If our screening room is any indication of larger sentiments, fans are loving Eko like they first loved Locke, or are at least as intrigued in the same way. And last night, they completed a missing portion of Orientation by each contributing a film strip from their part of the island.
On an island where anything is a possibility, is Eko Locke's mirror image?
I dunno if he is Locke's mirror or opposite, but I mean the guy's name is Eko, so we're meant to see a connection between the two. Both of them played a big role in keeping their respective parties alive on the island, yet it's obvious thus far that Eko doesn't have the same outlook as Locke does. "Do not mistake coincidence for fate." -- Eko. I've heard rumblings that these 2 are gonna go back and forth all season long, so it'll be great to see what these 2 island powerhouses (not to mention how much collected info they have between the 2 of them; light years more than anyone else on the island) react to each other in the coming episodes.
Further, Eko's been established by the producers as Nigerian, and that it's no coincidence that there's a Nigerian drug plane on the island. Locke may have faith but he seems very uneducated on religion, whereas Eko is all morality and giving up his own safety to help others, and IS educated on religion. The skeletons in the plane were dressed as priests, right? How's it all play out? Man, I don't wanna wait till January!
Hmmm interesting thought, Sam. It makes me think back to the Pilot episode (or it could have been the second episode?) when Locke is teaching Walt how to play that game with the black and white stones. He makes particular note of them being the same, except for their color. Could be a long shot... but I think there's definitely a connection between Locke and Ecko. There's something about the way Locke reacted when he first met Ecko... there was a familiarity there... kinship of some sort.
I'm just happy Locke made a friend.
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