Thursday, November 10, 2005

Libby: Friend or Foe?

I'm sure the internet boards are crackling with news of this, but Libby, the seemingly sympathetic member of the Tailies, has a lot of circumstantial evidence surrounding her. The whole story is here.....,6115,1128177_3_0_,00.html

What do y'all think? The sucker I am, I didn't suspect her for a second and thought she was....entirely sympathetic. So, is this another example of LOST messing with us, or is there more to this clinical psychologist?



Blogger Sam's Myth said...

I dunno. I'll have to watch it again to see if I see this cave and the shape inside, but for now I'll need more evidence. Psychologists are pretty common.

2:57 AM  
Blogger jonniechang said...

I watched it again last night, and as suspicious as it is (all the things EW pointed out are certainly possible), I'm not sure I buy it yet. Like Sam said, clinical psychologists are common. I guess we'll see.

And back to Shannon real quick, I'm one of the people who thinks she did in fact die, but I also think there may have been some more foul play at hand than what we actually saw. Was there a third party involved? Was Ana Lucia aiming for Shannon? I hope we find out within the next couple episodes...

5:19 PM  

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