
A coworker of mine named Brandon got into Lost on my recommendation, watched every episode in a week, and came back to discuss with me this afternoon and trade our various finds. A couple I picked up from him that you guys may or may not know about...
- a gold Pontiac is involved in three car accidents in three character flashbacks: Locke, Kate, and Michael.
- Desmond's shirt, seen in the stadium flashback, bears a logo that resembles on the Vodka bottle(s) that Jack gets on the plane. You be the judge on this one...
- apparently one of the creative founders of Dharma -- mentioned in the orientation video -- looks like one of the dudes on the tugboat. Perhaps these two people are checking in, or actively involved in the project.
That's all I got. Since I haven't read the spoiler thread about the next episode, I'll keep asking if anyone has any thoughts on the teddy bear, the age of the Others whose legs we see, or anything else that can be gleaned from last week...
Getting together a Lost halloween group hopefully. If I still had my longer hair, I'd sign up for Sawyer, but with my new buzz I might try to fill Locke's shoes, or go for Charlie if I wuss out. Cue Chang joke about dressing up as Jin.
Yea, I think it might have been Chang who posted a while ago that the two people in the Orientation video (the guy and the girl) bear striking similarities to peeps on the boat... one of them being the "We're gonna need to take the boy" guy.
I think Chang should be Michael - because that would be funny. DUH - obviously he should be Jin. If I wanted to dress up as someone, who would I be?
Jin: Uders.
Sawyer: What?
Michael: I think he's trying to say, "oth-
Mr. Eko: WHACK.
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