Interesting Theory
Found this on the oceanicflight815 boards:
"Mr. Eko, Michael, Jin and the Others (SOMETHING YOU MAY HAVE MISSED)
EDIT: Sorry about the length. Trust me. It's worth reading...
I’ve been lurking on this board for a couple of weeks and I think I’m fairly up to date with most of what kind of theories have been flying back and forth to this point. I’m just adding a few “connect the dots” ideas for discussion. I think this is a sound theory and I’m curious to hear some other input.
I think there were some much more significant things to be gleaned from tonight’s episode than I first thought.
Here are “the dots.”
The writers: I am starting from the premise that the writers are not lying to us via the characters. Most on this board would agree that the writers are a very talented group of people who have done an excellent job making sense out of something that looks random or offhand at first.
To put it succinctly… the characters don’t lie, unless they have a reason to do so. So let’s start from the premise that everything they say is true.
You will see why this becomes important as I develop my argument…
(I) Why we saw the others tonight…
(1) Mr. Eko: Something Mr. Eko said bothered me for a couple of hours after I watched the show. He said something to the effect of “they will not be seen unless they want to be seen,” regarding the others.
(2) Rousseau: She said she has been on the island for 16 years(?) and heard only whispers. She’s never seen the others. She’s only heard them.
(3) The Others’ Walking Pattern: I’ve seen a couple of people talk about how the others’ walking pattern looks like zombies. I saw it as something else entirely. They were walking carefully and quietly, not unlike Mr. Locke would walk if he were stalking a boar. They were—I believe that Mr. Eko also addressed this point—walking in a manner as not to leave a trail.
I can only draw one conclusion from these three pieces of evidence. The others were only being seen because they wanted to be seen. Think about it. These “jungle people” who are freaking pros at not being seen just waltz right in from of Jin and Mr. Eko while they are hiding in a bush. NOT LIKELY. Occam’s Razor, as well as the three pieces of evidence above, suggest that the reason Jin and Mr. Eko saw them was because they wanted to be seen. This… of course… begs the question. Why?
(II) Why Show Yourself…
(1) Michael and Walt: Michael was not going anywhere until he found Walt. As soon as he figured out where the others were (Libby told him), he took off to get some answers about Walt. Nobody was going to deter him once he started tromping through the jungle.
(2) Michael Wanted to be Found by the Others: Michael wanted the others to find him. After all, he was also being very loud. There’s no way that they did not hear him. After all, they were clearly in the area (they walked right in front of Jin and Mr. Eko).
(2) Casual Killing of Other Tailenders: The others, from what we can tell, seem to have had no qualms whatsoever about killing the tailenders in the past. The writers suggested as much to us, first with “spear guy” and then with Mr. Eko’s ominous “you don’t know what they’re capable of.”
So here’s this guy wandering around shouting in an area where you’ve killed for (apparently) less in the past. Occam’s Razor? You kill him. Michael is dead meat.
Only he’s not. It’s suggested that they missed him because he passed their path before they did. ********. They knew he was there and could have tracked him easily, but they didn’t.
My theory is that they couldn’t.
Walt was clearly important. Important enough to chase down and steal at gunpoint. But the others didn’t seem to give a rat’s *** about anyone else (they firebombed the boat). So why would this group care about not killing Jin, Mr. Eko or Michael.
Because this group is not the same group as the other group. They knew that… for some reason… the Dharma people wanted the people in the middle section left alone. The tail section people were fair game, but the middle section people were not. I don’t think that this group of others knew that Dharma already had what it wanted… Walt. But they did know that these guys were middle-section people who were not to be f***ed with.
So here’s this crazy middle section person whom you’re not allowed to kill wandering around the forest looking for his lost boy… and it’s evident he’s not going to go away. It’s only a matter of time until he finds something (? you don’t want found?). You have to get him to go away. But how?
Show him you don’t have his boy.
How do you do that?
The same way the Americans and Russians have been keeping track of treaty compliance for years. Make your compliance visible. Walk right in front of two of his friends. Show them… who will tell Michael… that you don’t have what they are looking for. Then he will go away.
You know what… it worked like a charm too
"Mr. Eko, Michael, Jin and the Others (SOMETHING YOU MAY HAVE MISSED)
on: Oct 19 @ 11:16 PM
Okay, EDIT: Sorry about the length. Trust me. It's worth reading...
I’ve been lurking on this board for a couple of weeks and I think I’m fairly up to date with most of what kind of theories have been flying back and forth to this point. I’m just adding a few “connect the dots” ideas for discussion. I think this is a sound theory and I’m curious to hear some other input.
I think there were some much more significant things to be gleaned from tonight’s episode than I first thought.
Here are “the dots.”
The writers: I am starting from the premise that the writers are not lying to us via the characters. Most on this board would agree that the writers are a very talented group of people who have done an excellent job making sense out of something that looks random or offhand at first.
To put it succinctly… the characters don’t lie, unless they have a reason to do so. So let’s start from the premise that everything they say is true.
You will see why this becomes important as I develop my argument…
(I) Why we saw the others tonight…
(1) Mr. Eko: Something Mr. Eko said bothered me for a couple of hours after I watched the show. He said something to the effect of “they will not be seen unless they want to be seen,” regarding the others.
(2) Rousseau: She said she has been on the island for 16 years(?) and heard only whispers. She’s never seen the others. She’s only heard them.
(3) The Others’ Walking Pattern: I’ve seen a couple of people talk about how the others’ walking pattern looks like zombies. I saw it as something else entirely. They were walking carefully and quietly, not unlike Mr. Locke would walk if he were stalking a boar. They were—I believe that Mr. Eko also addressed this point—walking in a manner as not to leave a trail.
I can only draw one conclusion from these three pieces of evidence. The others were only being seen because they wanted to be seen. Think about it. These “jungle people” who are freaking pros at not being seen just waltz right in from of Jin and Mr. Eko while they are hiding in a bush. NOT LIKELY. Occam’s Razor, as well as the three pieces of evidence above, suggest that the reason Jin and Mr. Eko saw them was because they wanted to be seen. This… of course… begs the question. Why?
(II) Why Show Yourself…
(1) Michael and Walt: Michael was not going anywhere until he found Walt. As soon as he figured out where the others were (Libby told him), he took off to get some answers about Walt. Nobody was going to deter him once he started tromping through the jungle.
(2) Michael Wanted to be Found by the Others: Michael wanted the others to find him. After all, he was also being very loud. There’s no way that they did not hear him. After all, they were clearly in the area (they walked right in front of Jin and Mr. Eko).
(2) Casual Killing of Other Tailenders: The others, from what we can tell, seem to have had no qualms whatsoever about killing the tailenders in the past. The writers suggested as much to us, first with “spear guy” and then with Mr. Eko’s ominous “you don’t know what they’re capable of.”
So here’s this guy wandering around shouting in an area where you’ve killed for (apparently) less in the past. Occam’s Razor? You kill him. Michael is dead meat.
Only he’s not. It’s suggested that they missed him because he passed their path before they did. ********. They knew he was there and could have tracked him easily, but they didn’t.
My theory is that they couldn’t.
Walt was clearly important. Important enough to chase down and steal at gunpoint. But the others didn’t seem to give a rat’s *** about anyone else (they firebombed the boat). So why would this group care about not killing Jin, Mr. Eko or Michael.
Because this group is not the same group as the other group. They knew that… for some reason… the Dharma people wanted the people in the middle section left alone. The tail section people were fair game, but the middle section people were not. I don’t think that this group of others knew that Dharma already had what it wanted… Walt. But they did know that these guys were middle-section people who were not to be f***ed with.
So here’s this crazy middle section person whom you’re not allowed to kill wandering around the forest looking for his lost boy… and it’s evident he’s not going to go away. It’s only a matter of time until he finds something (? you don’t want found?). You have to get him to go away. But how?
Show him you don’t have his boy.
How do you do that?
The same way the Americans and Russians have been keeping track of treaty compliance for years. Make your compliance visible. Walk right in front of two of his friends. Show them… who will tell Michael… that you don’t have what they are looking for. Then he will go away.
You know what… it worked like a charm too

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