Spoilers, Spoilers, and More Spoilers

LOST Episode Six -- Abandonded
Sayid (Naveen Andrews) plots a romantic encounter to consumate his blossoming relationship with Shannon. Sawyer's detoriating condition slows the progress of the party, as they become aware of a mysterious presence stalking them. Locke shows an unusual interest in Claire, and Charlie bristles at her response. Shannon is led deep into the jungle by the reapperance of Walt. In flashback we learn why Shannon is so manipulative, and that it is not as bad-natured as we might have thought. In fact you'll find that she was living a Pre-Prince Cinderella exsistence after her father died.
LOST Episode Seven -- The Other 48 Days
This episode begins with the survivors of the tail section making their way to shore. In a grisly scene, there are dozens of bodies floating up to the beach. (Might be cut.) We will learn that their numbers were slowly dwindled as they attempted to protect the children of the tail section from 'The Others'. Eko and Ana both have flashbacks, and a surprising detail of why Mr. Eko was on the plane is revealed.
LOST Episode Eight -- (title unknown)
The details of this episode are in dispute right now. Some have reported it is a charlie-centric episode and deals with his temptation to start using Heroin again. The search for a missing castaway ends in tragedy when the castaway is found dead; the person that finds the body is blamed for the death by Jack, who again finds a way to shift partial blame on Locke.
LOST Episode Nine -- Reunion Tour
As the tail-enders and rafters make it to the beach camp, Sawyer hangs near death. His flash back concerns what went wrong with Hibbs, and the impact it had on Sawyer and his aversion to 'belonging'. Meanwhile the real killer steps forward to exhonerate the accused. Ana Lucia's reunion with Jack is all business as she informs him they they were stalked along the way and that the Others may be close behind. Rose and Bernard are reunited. And a secret slips out about "Libby". And of course what Reunion would be complete without 'The Monster'.
And then there's this link, which is a theory I think could be possible. I'm calling it a theory because it's not proven true or backed up, but it sounds like the guy's way too confident about his "prediction" for this to be entirely fake. Decide for yourself, if you so choose:
Enjoy, and have a good weekend. Only 2 more weeks until we see some death!
P.S. Anyone interested in seeing promotional screenshots from the next couple new episodes can head on over to lost-media.com. Check out the photo section, "episode promotional photos."
Lots of spoilers in there!
Wow, that spoiler thread goes on FOREVER. A lot of what she says makes sense, but she could always be a) a plant or b) a loon. She does seem to sound like she knows what she's talking about (aside from spelling every other word incorrectly), but I can't help but wonder if it's bogus. Definitely something to keep in mind though while we watch the next few eps... see how it pans out and we'll know if she's right.
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