Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore on LOST


Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore? Well, not really. But if Ben Ipkis (what was the last name again?) would have continued to show Jack a few more seconds of that 2004 World Series tape at the end of LOST tonight, they would have seen Jimmy and Drew filming "Fever Pitch."

I have to say, another 'eh' episode of LOST. The ending blew me away, just an awesome way to tie in the real world, but over all not too much was learned this week. Still, I'm confident that at the end of these six episodes we'll have our mind blown Anyway, here are my discussion starting questions.

1. Why have Sawyer and Kate crushing rocks? The whole thing seems completely futile.
2. What's up with Alex?
3. Why is Ben observing everyone in that weird room in the hydra hatch?
4. Are we lead to believe that bald Chang is the father of Sun's baby?
5. Are the others really bad guys? The girl on the boat sounded pretty convicing.
6. Which leads to Ben's last words to Jack. "We can get get you home." Can you? Jack makes a good point, if you've been there all your life, why stay? Must be a good reason.

We'll start there discussing episode 3.2 "The Glass Ballerina."


Blogger jason.jackowski said...

I've got to say I'm a bit above 'eh' on these new episodes. you're right, nothing terribly mindblowing -- except for the end!

But, we're getting little pieces of some puzzle we don't even know the scope of yet (Steve's probably on the right track, while Jack's dad seems like a red herring the more I think about it). Learning Ben's full name and that he's been on the island all his life makes it seem as if Dharma may have possibly been invading HIS space. Perhaps?

And, every time he gets some screen time I find myself saying, "more Sayid, motherfucker!" when do we get another one of his episodes?

Sun's flashback was just redundant. In fact, the flashbacks are all getting to be redundant. there's plenty of characters and backstories to choose from. Or, are all of the characters' daddy issues symptomatic of a greater scheme or just lazy writing?

I will say that I'm looking forward to getting reacquainted with some of the other Losties next week. I like where this is going...

Also, big ups to Steve for joining the blog! Steve is former co-worker of mine and is personally responsible for getting me into LOST. It only seemed fitting that I could return the favor and get him to join our discussion here. I know nobody who knows his LOST better than Steve.

And, damn it, I miss those Thursday morning LOST recaps we used to have, Steve...

10:10 AM  
Blogger Sam's Myth said...

Alright. I'll start the cheering squad for this episode, and for the new season altogether as it were.

I love where this is going. I'm getting the feeling that not only is Henry Gale finally telling the truth (about his name, his past on the island, and his ability to send Jack home), but that there's going to be some interesting stuff taking place between Ben and Jack this season. Clearly, Jack is way up on the Others' priority list. Kate and Sawyer? Not even close. As an unabashed Kate fan I gotta say I haven't felt the LOST goose bumps for a while, until that kiss.

To defend Sun's backstory -- I can't believe that she didn't yet find out that Jin knew about her affair. But his knowing does add some depth to their relationship and, frankly, a little motivation for why he's such an asshole to her. What I really wanted to see was Jin spotting Sun in the hotel after he spared the guy's life, then turning back immediately and blowing his brains out.

I'm going nuts over the idea of The Others actually sending people home. For a show originally inspired as a fictional spin on Survivor, how great would it be to have a bunch of characters have to make the choice to go back home, or to stay on the island? As scary as the island is, remember that no one has any ties at home. No one to go home to, nothing to care about there. Jack will not be as easily bargained with as Michael was to the Others. He may, in his downward spiral, have stopped caring about his friends on the island, but not Kate.

Last night after the show, I ended up spending the evening talking with a friend I don't visit with very much, and in the wee hours of the night we got into talking LOST, which led me to a new, but simple theory. When Michael was leading the group through the jungle to the Others' trap, Jack fessed up that he had a plan. As far as we knew, this plan was just to have Sayid as wingman and to rendezvous and ambush the Others. But what if he and Kate had a conversation that we didn't see: A worst case scenario back-up plan. What if Jack is setting into motion with Ben and The Others something he's already thought out, were he to actually get captured? This would explain the one moment that's so easy for us to forget: The slow, blinking nod that Kate intentionally gives to Jack as The Others drop hoods over their heads. I'm sorry, but a pre-arranged plan was set into motion in that moment, and from now on, whatever Jack does and even if he does cross over, I believe it's in the best interest of Kate and everyone else, as if to say "no matter what happens if I get captured by them, no matter how it may appear, I'm still with you. Trust me."

10:40 AM  
Blogger Germain said...

Sam - great points man. I think the best one though is the possibilty of people actually going home. What does that knowledge do to the people on the island? If going home is an option, could the Losties begin turning on each other to help the others? That would be awesome.

As for the second plan, I think it's entirely possible, especailly since the best episodes in each season are where the flashbacks stay on the island. What is stopping them from flashing back to Jack and Kate during last seasons finale at any point this season? Nothing. And that would be cool.

And just to defend my use of the word 'eh,' I think that's just an initial gut reaction after so many episodes with huge huge reveals. We're in for the long haul at this point and things are going to unfold slowly. And as the discussion on this board has proved, theres much more to these episodes then meets the eye.

1:17 PM  
Blogger jonniechang said...

Great comments all around. Glad to see that y'all are liking this season, even though I still can't quite get into it.

I thought last night's ep was slightly better, but still not in true LOST form. J, good point about the flashbacks becoming redundant. G, I agree, I wish they'd flashback to island stories more. I do like the idea of what a route off the island could do to the cast, but I don't know if I really believe what Benry says to us. While it would be really interesting to find out why Benry & Co. have stayed on the island when they have a way off, I don't like the idea that some LOSTies may find escape, it's almost too easy a plot device. Personally, I'd rather see characters die on the island than get off, but part of me believes Benry isn't being entirely honest.

Anyway, Sam, great point about "the plan." Y'know it's goin down. Until the Others get their shit together and make some damn sense, there's no reason for anyone to trust them. But maybe this is what they want. I was talking to Nish about this, who brought up a good point: Who's air-dropping the Dharma food? Could it be the Others themselves? Does that mean they have a working plane? Does that mean they wanted the LOSTies to buy into the Dharma story? And if so, why? Who's giving THEM food and supplies to live there?

And also, how the hell does the island have power? In the Swan Hatch, we kinda assume that the electromagnetic "anomaly" supplies the station with the power it needs, and maybe additional areas of the island. But thinking back to Rousseau's car battery-powered bunker, where the hell are the Others getting their electricity?

And Nish brought this up to me, was there some mention of a "decoy island?"

2:31 PM  
Blogger jason.jackowski said...

Can't believe I forgot about this!!
(Chang, thanks for jogging the memory!)

Rousseau's daughter last night! HUGE!!

What is she upto? Clearly, she is an ex-Other of some sort. Steve, perhaps Rousseau's daughter has a band of outsiders that compose this other other group?

2:53 PM  
Blogger jonniechang said...

Nevermind about the "decoy island," Nish rewatched and realized they said "decoy village."

7:18 PM  
Blogger Sam's Myth said...

ha - but that got me thinking. remember CONTACT?

8:34 PM  
Blogger Sam's Myth said...

As for Alex -- no, not really huge J -- I mean, we saw her try to help Claire already, so we know at least SHE thinks the Others really are bad. Or it's yet another some kind of twisted plant job. Her appearance whispering to Kate in the bushes didn't really add anything to her subplot other than the fact that the dress was hers, did it?

11:38 PM  
Blogger sc0tt said...

Well, I have the episode on pause to rewatch it, but I figured I'd comment on Alex first.

She said something along the lines "That's not right, you weren't supposed to be in there" in reference to being in the cages. Now, I'm not sure if she was talking about Kate, Kate and Sawyer, or if she said "He wasn't" and was actually talking about the kid that Sawyer saw in the cage. Regardless, why were he/she/they in there? If she was talking about only Kate, perhaps did cut a deal with Ben and was put in there to manipulate Sawyer somehow.

Alex obviously was with the others at some point, but has broken or is breaking away from them (Or it could all just be a set up for Kate and Sawyer to "trust" Alex). But if not, is there another group of "others" that she is part of? Rousseau's hut makes it seem she is alone. Is she aware her daughter is still alive yet?

All in all, I think Alex showing up as she did raises a ton of questions...

10:45 AM  
Blogger jason.jackowski said...

Like I said, we're getting a ton of small puzzle pieces for one big puzzle that the scope just seems to get bigger and bigger...

Alex plays a big role in it. I'm sure of it. Perhaps she founded this fringe Others group? Or, is merely just a member of said group?

Certainly, she is not in with The Others any more. This is the second time Kate has seen her and spoken ill of them. While at times The Others seem to be convincing of their motives, their actions speak a different language.

If they weren't as bad as they say, why would they have to bring guns on the sailboat? Or blow up the raft? Or hold three of them prisoner? Doesn't seem very benign to me.

12:43 PM  

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