fish biscuits and grilled cheese

- Is Ben/Henry Gale really "Him?" I've thought so all along, and now I'm pretty sure that even when Henry himself mentioned Him back in the hatch it was just a fear tactic.
- Is Juliette his ex?
- Could Juliette be either the second-in-command, or perhaps even higher up than Ben?
- What was troubling her in the opening scene?
- Jack hears his dad through the communications speaker. Merely hallucination?
- Is Mr. Friendly gay?
- Has Kate ever looked hotter than in her new dress?
- Who's the monkey boy in the other cage? You know those Others love plants...
- Does it mean anything that William Mapother (Ethan) wasn't billed as a guest actor, but a regular in the opening credits, while Harold Perrineau (Michael) is clearly absent?
- Will Matty Fox win an Emmy for this episode alone?
All's well in the Lost world if you ask me. In the coming 5-episode mini-series, I hope we stay on this side of the island. Even Locke and Desmond can wait.
Hmm. Meh.
Maybe it's just been a long summer, but I really felt this ep lacked punch. I know they gotta hold back on the surprises, but c'mon, it's the first ep! The plane sequence was nice, and I loved that super wide shot of the island (HUGE!). A nice episode for Fox to cry and what not, but most of it felt like a recap of Jack's history thus far. Some nice interactions. But what did he learn? To not be stubborn? To trust Others Juliette? Jack is STUBBORN, dude ain't gonna do shit but ask the same goddamn question over, and over until he doesn't get an answer, then cries about it. Remember that time with Desmond? Got all crybaby and shit that time too. Shieeet.
I'm still undecided on the Others, they're just, I dunno, not as cool as I was hoping. I wanted to know more about the shots they gave everyone, if they're experimenting or something. We see them living everyday, normal, peaceful lives. Why. Why the need to preserve this if the rest of the world is okay. Do they not know? How could they not know, they know everything! Or is the rest of the world NOT okay, and the end of season 2 was a trick?
Couldn't they at least HINT at that deeper secret/lie about The Others that make 'em SO DAMN SECRETIVE?! Y'know they're hiding something big. Ex-Dharma book club members ain't gonna cut it!
Next episode looks good though, time for some payback... or at least some form of an attempt by Sayid and Jin that gets Sun seemingly shot, but probably not. One or the other.
I'm right in the middle between Sam's 100% love and Chang's indifference. I really enjoyed the episode, felt a little let down that we didn't get more information, but anytime we can expand the story but at the same time stick with only a few characters, I love it. I disagree with Jon that this makes the Others less cool. I think it makes them more cool. They're seemingly normal people it seems, but they live on this island and treat the survivors like animals. That's cool.
I dont have any answers to your questions Sam, but I do have a few others.
Are the Bear's Mr. Friendly referring to to the Polar Bears?
Are Jack and Juliette really underwater in a brand new Hydra hatch?
Is Juliette supposed to remind Jack of his wife?
Are they going to recast Jack's wifes new boyfriend to be someone on the island just to fuck with him? I say - yes.
I'm sure there's more. But I'm back into LOST, I love it.
I'll say that the opening alone made this a good, solid "welcome back" episode.
However, I didn't take anytime to catch up prior to the season premiere which put me at a slight disadvantage. I actually assumed all throughout the episode that Juliette was Desmond's lost love.
Henry Gale is one creppy motherfucker!
Kate was smokin'!
And, why the hell is Sawyer being kept in a zoo???
Jason - that is fucking HUUUUUGE horrible that you thought Juliette was Penny Widmore.
A few other notes as we wait for more people to chime in. EW is calling "Henry Gale" Benry. And Sam, I'm appreciating your title more and more. "fish biscuits and grilled cheese" - so good.
Kate WAS smoking. But did anyone else notice she was visibly upset when she was brought to the cage opposite Sawyer? She was hungry enough to eat a friggin fish cookie, even though Benry served her breakfast. And the handcuff marks... they did something to her! Think she tried to escape? Or did Mr. Friendly lie about her not being his "type?"
Are the others incapable of having children? Have they experimented with the human body so much that they're all infertile? Are they trying to breed the "perfect" human?
I'm not gonna lie, I had all but forgotten about the Lost premiere until maybe, oh, yesterday, when Chang IM'ed me and beraded me for neglecting the blog. But after last night's ep... dude. I am back to being HOOKED. That opening sequence was incredible. "Guess I'm out of the book club." The Others have a friggin' book club. The more we are reminded of how "human" they are, the creepier they actually are to me... Henry Gale even manages to make eating breakfast look creepy. Breakfast!
How long before Jack and Juliet get it on? Seriously.
So what's in store for Kate, Sawyer and Jack in the next two weeks? And isn't two weeks actually like an entire season? I suspect our friends won't be reunited until May.
Mere, good call on how creepy the Others having a book club is...
Am I the only one who is leaning towards the Others being some sort of a cult?
Maybe Ben/Henry Gale is NOT their true leader because they believe their higher power to be a "great man."
You know, when they were leading Kate to "him", all clean and dressed up, I actually thought for a split second about them sacrificing her to a giant ape.
I definitely agree that there's a missing scene we weren't shown in which Kate was roughed up after breakfast.
Yeah, you can pretty much pin the tail on the donkey with how the lust will play out: Juliette moves in on Jack (to fuck with Ben more than anything), Jack gives in (she's the psychological stand-in for Sarah). Meanwhile Sawyer takes the Kate matter into his own hands, and Kate (since she has a more primal attraction to Sawyer) gives. When they're all reunited is when the Jack and Kate fireworks will really set off.
Too many commercials!!! *sigh*
I watched it again today on DVR and when you zip through the commercials the episode is incredibly more exciting.
I'm still waiting for Jack's dad to show as one of the others, if not being the ultimate leader.
1) Empty coffin.
2) Intercom static was his Dad's voice from the previous scene.
3) The others have his "autopsy report".
4) His backstory is more prevalent than most of the people on the island - even though it is only shown through others' stories.
scott: I'm still waiting for Jack's dad to show as one of the others, if not being the ultimate leader.
Another thing...
The more I watch it, the more confusing this episode gets.
Benry wants lists in 3 days because there "may be survivors". Was this list ever returned?
I always thought that the plane crash was for a reason, and those on it were pretermined to be on the island.
But was the information, such as Jack's entire life on file, obtained before or after the crash?
If before, as I had always thought, wouldn't Benry have been more like "It is time. They have arrived."?
What I'm thinking is that the crash itself was an accident...
...but, then, once the Others discovered who the passengers were, they realized they had been brought there for a reason.
Just throwing it out there.
Desmond didn't press the button that one time because of Kelvin, right? Maybe Kelvin was part of the plan?
Here's the only catch -- in the preview for next week, we see that Benry really, really wants Desmond's sailboat, and it looks like he didn't know it existed. If Kelvin was an other, which he probably wasn't, would he have told them about the boat? Or would he be trying to escape just the same? After all, we have no idea how he ended up in the Swan Hatch.
And Scott, I really like the idea that the Jack File was created pre-crash. Now THAT would be cool.
Chang - Yes. There's pretty much no arguing around the fact that Desmond's failure to EXECUTE at the hatch unleashed the electromagnetic pull that brought down the plane. Thus, the Others had no idea.
If this isn't really what happened-- if the people on the flight were selected and brought to the island on purpose-- that will take some explaining for sure.
So the question remains: how do the Others have the Jack file? Juliette could name Jack's hospital, so it doesn't seem like she's faking it.
Scott -- simply a brilliant idea about Jack's dad. Never even considered that. I, for one, was a bit let down when it was implied that Sarah WASN'T with Jack's Dad. That would have been a huge mindfuck that would have really sent Jack over the edge.
Along those same lines, I'll be the first to call Sarah coming back into the story on the island, somehow.
I was let down too that it wasn't Jack's dad with Sarah. I was flipping out the whole show in disbelief. I think I uttered "I can't believe it. Holy shit." numerous times over and over.
And now - how DO the others have Jack's info? Do they have info on everyone else?
If they did not have it before the crash, then they must have a link to the outside world. Perhaps Jack's dad is alive or Sarah is on the island! I was trying to pause wide view shots of all the people in "The Village" but none of them looked familiar.
Here's my 2 cents.
Plane crash was a mistake, even though we don't know the relationship of the hatch people and the others. But it seemed like the others had had events like this happen before, so Benry was prepaired. He did get lists from Goodwin and Ethan, thats how they knew the tailies had kids and the names of the Losties.
I beleive that once they had that information, they started researching they people that survived the plane crash. What could they bring that would help the others? That's why the picked the people they did - they believe they can help them in some way.
They have all the information on Jack because they obviously have a connection to the outside world. They have to. How do you have a community with electricity, cultural items, food etc unless you have a supplier?
As for Jack's father being an other, I dont buy it. Great theory but way too implausible, he was simply in too many flashbacks that happened right before the plane crash. Maybe he had something to do with Dharma or whatever or maybe he was even the Others contact in the real world. Who knows, but he's not the higher power. I believe he's dead.
Recap - plane crash an accident, but not a surprise. Lists written on island. Info on Jack got after he was on island.
Ditto on the implausibility of Jack's Dad being an Other...
Nice summary Steven, and probably the most convincing assessment of this season's direction I've read so far! I like the idea of there being 2 camps of Others, 2 groups of similar-looking people that we and the LOSTies can't differentiate between, yet.
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