Season 3 Scoopage
"There's some good stuff in this week's Lost podcast. In case you missed it, we learned: We can't say for sure that Desmond survived the season finale, but we'll definitely be seeing him again (Let's hope Locke and Eko are just as lucky!). Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse said when the show comes back in September, we'll understand the consequences of Desmond triggering the hatch's fail-safe and what that means in terms of the island. Apparently, the island was only visible to the outside world for a spilt second, but it was also visible on September 22, 2004 when Flight 815 crashed, so we'll find out how that affects the storyline. It sounds like we'll be getting more Desmond flashbacks and we'll find out why the Others wanted Jack, Kate and Sawyer, but not Hurley. In the first six episodes we'll learn where and what the Others call home, how Jack got his tattoos, why Locke was in the wheelchair and more about the main characters and their relationships. Apparently, relationships will be more important than mythology in season three, although they also revealed that the four-toed statue represents the history and archeology of the island and that we'll find out what happened on the island pre-Dharma days. Apparently, there were other Others around before the 1970s. Oh, and one more thing: We will see the smoke monster again, and I'm not sure what this means, but they said there may have been instances where we saw the smoke monster in season two, but didn't realize that's what it was."
Maui wowie!!
Maui wowie!!
Hot damn!!
Nice scoop, Jon.
Chang, thanks for posting.. I was getting tired of looking at the Charlie action figure every day!
The podcast was definitely awesome. When they said we've already seen the monster but didn't know it, I don't remember them saying it was specifically in Season Two. If not, could this give some credence to the black smoke swimming around at the site of the plane crash?
I also read in EW I think that love is going to be a big theme next season. I'm expecting some serious development with Claire and Charlie (the season practically ended with their scene), as well as Sawyer and Kate....
... I've been watching Season Two again with Mallory... our friend burned DVDs for us. And let me tell you, you guys are in for a treat when you rewatch Season Two all at once. It's that much better. And one of the main things I'm picking up on is how in love Sawyer and Kate are, and how much Jack is on the outside of it. It's all there, in their faces, in the subtleties. I expect this to move to the next level next season.
Another thing I noticed while rewatching: Remember when Henry Gale told Locke that he came for him? Now that we know that Henry Gale is way up in the Others, was this just part of his fooling with Locke to get out of there, or is there something to this? If the Others are hand-selecting Losties, could Locke actually be at the top of the list? Just a thought...
More thoughts on the season, and season three, as I continue to rewatch...
> Remember when Henry Gale told Locke > that he came for him? Now that we
> know that Henry Gale is way up in
> the Others, was this just part of
> his fooling with Locke to get out of > there, or is there something to
> this?
Good point Sam, I totally forgot about that. I'd like to think it was as simple as Gale trying to coax Locke to let him go (or even something as basic as being nicer to him), but I have a feeling you're right, and Locke is higher up on their list -- he might just be someone who's either a.) not ready / not good enough / falling from grace, or b.) his ties with Eko and Dessie were too close at the end of S2 for them to convince him to leave / take him without much notice.
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