Thursday, April 06, 2006

And you were there DAVE! DAVE GOODMAN!

555-0122!! Sorry, Slackers reference. Anyway - great episode last night. Completely creepy, revealing and all that good stuff. When you have such a telling Henry Gale convo in the first 15 minutes - you just know you are in for a good episode. Start your comments on this episode, DAVE, below.

Next week: "SOS" starring Rose and Bernard.


Blogger Casabla said...

Obviously the two big things are:

1. How much of what Dave was telling Hurley is really real? Are we to assume it's all made up? Are we to assume the whole island is in Hurley's mind? Obviously those are the two extremes, but still, what the fuck is going on?

2. Libby. 'nuff said.

Also read this morning that the producing trio officially signed on for season 3.


10:39 AM  
Blogger Sam's Myth said...

Alright, I'll say it.

Last night's episode fucking SUCKED. More than anything, it perfectly exemplified what I feared was going to go down in season two: that the fans would be way ahead of the show, but the show would think it was always one step ahead of the fans. Exhibit A: Charlie suggesting that the hatch lockdown took place because the food was being dropped -- a theory that any Lost fan would have either already thought of or read on a message board.

Then there's Dave. From the moment we see him in the mental institution, it's obvious that he's an imaginary friend. We know that in this episode, Dave will represent Hurley's addiction to food, he will torment him and torment him and then finally Hurley will learn his valuable lesson about himself and tell Dave to go away for good. The two moments, when the doctor shows Hurley the polaroid, and when Hurley "doesn't jump" -- are these actually supposed to move us or surprise us? No, because we knew they'd happen once the plotlines set foot; This is how predictable the format of these filler episodes of Lost has become.

Sorry, Casabla, but you can't actually believe that all this -- two whole seasons of island story, all the characters we know and all of their backstories, are all a figment of Hurley's imagination. We deserve much better than that; We deserve better than last night's episode.

The last five seconds turned me around. But I still don't really see what all this could imply (so she was a patient, then got well and became a psychiatrist or tells people she's one. And big whoop -- two people are connected in a backstory.).

Sorry guys. I'm not quitting Lost or anything, I was just utterly bored and, frankly, offended as a fan by pretty much the whole episode. I won't even get into the slow motion montage of Hurley dumping his ranch dressing and cheetos all over the place.

Maybe one or two of you agree with me deep down somewhere.

10:54 AM  
Blogger Germain said...

Gamgee - I completely disagree. Was the whole episode a little Sixth Sense? Yes. Was I expecting that? Not at all. Maybe I just go into this show with more of an open mind than most or maybe I give it a critical pass because I enjoy it so much, but I thought the whole episode was a great look into Hurley's character.

Maybe I'm the only one who has ever had to face my inner demons, but I related to having something in my head pulling me the wrong way - and having the discipline and trust in yourself to ignore it. It was a very powerful, creppy device for me. I enjoyed it.

As for the theorizing by Charlie or whatever, this episode was written and shot way before any Lost fan saw it and was able to come up with an idea about the lockdown. I think its awesome that the writers throw us bones like this, lead us down different paths and mess with our heads. That's one of the things that is so great about lost, how it panders to its audience in certain aspects.

The slow motion food thing was awful, but only because no 2 people on a deserted island, hatch-full-of-food or not, would be dumb enough to waste food. But overall, with the Hurley hallucinations (Casabla - you are retarded) and the early Henry Gale stuff alluding to the others, the purpose of the hatch etc, this was a very very solid episode.

12:35 PM  
Blogger jonniechang said...

I know I've said this before, but I think it's time I said it again. There are only 2 methods for watching LOST:

1.) Watching it for the people and their backstories, to better understand characters' motivations and tendencies and justify their actions on the island.
2.) Watching it strictly for the island story, to see what secrets are still left to be revealed, and to get answers for why LOST island is so whacky.

Guess which one I think Sam is more a fan of.

I'm with Casabla and G on this, I dug last night's ep. No, it wasn't the most eventful episode of all time, especially after last week's unanimously amazing "FIVE HUGE HORRIBLE EVENTS" ep., but what I especially liked about "Dave" was that Hurley finally got to do something else besides be the funny fat guy who hides food (or the guy who has the most Sawyer nicknames). I really liked the scene where Hurley reveals to Senator Kelly the "accident" referenced earlier. It's nice to give these people some added dimension that you naturally take for granted. Like Merry's fascination with baptism, or Jack's skills in poker. I say keep it comin' on the character stuff, cuz if the show were all island story, it'd be no different than watching reruns of The X-Files.

Of course, we're all wondering, what's Libby getting out of all this? Is she a Hugo Reyes stalker? Just a crazy person? Or perfectly honest and trustworthy? Hah!

Henry Gale continues to prove he deserves to die. Any thoughts on who he was talking about when Sayid was ready to shoot him? Alvar Hanso? Magnus Hanso?

And while the Dave character was predictable, I do like the idea that it's not that important for the audience to know he's an imaginary person, but more important for Hurley to realize and accept it, which he obviously wasn't capable of doing. I was glad they didn't sit till the very end of the ep. to reveal that whole deal.


1:19 PM  
Blogger Mere said...

I'm not going to go on and on about this one, partly because I sense some of you are getting riled, partly because my blood pressure can't take it. But suffice it to say that for the most part I agree with Sam on this one. I wasn't bored, I don't think it sucked, but I thought much of the writing was incredibly lazy and that Sam brings up some interesting points about the show thinking it's miles ahead of the fans. The "He's not actually there/Imaginary friend" bit is more than played out. There were plenty of other ways to get the point across about Hurley, to drive to the theme, without having to use hokey gimmicks like that.

"Maybe I'm the only one who ever had to face my inner demons" - C'mon now.

Let's get psyched for Rose and Bernard, shall we?

7:29 PM  
Blogger Sam's Myth said...

Completely unrelated, I am very high right now and reading this thread brought me a great deal of pleasure. You are all hillarious, in the best way.

2:43 AM  
Blogger Germain said...

LOL - Sam. Nice half, baked. I think the funniest thing while stoned would be to look at the pictures of yourself on the Harper myspace. You'd start seeing that teddy bear talking to you and stuff.

12:54 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

I pretty much agree with Meredith on all counts; it does seem like they're being lazy. There are a lot of what my erstwhile screenwriting teacher would've called "house numbers." Plus this episode in particular has a lot of cliche dialogue ("You can't help me. No one can."), though there were a few good jokes. They definitely could've come up with something better than Reverse Tyler Durden. I expect more.

I would say I watch 70% for the island story and 30% for the characters, so this one won't make my top ten. But I guess you can't keep just the peaks, and they have to meet the episode quota, so I can take some chaff with the delicious wheat.

This episode wasn't nearly as bad as the Charlie one, especially because of 1) the ending, and 2) that it actually makes more sense for it to be in Hurley's mind; that was funny.

I don't think a fan predicting the reason for the lockdown counts as being way ahead of the show; that's one thing and it would be a huge coincidence if that's not the reason.

7:07 PM  
Blogger jonniechang said...

Just thought I'd mention this for anyone who doesn't listen to the podcasts, but I think if Damon and Carlton had a choice in the matter, we'd only get about 10-12 episodes per season. Thank ABC for the filler episodes!

5:45 PM  

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