Thursday, March 30, 2006

Lockdown, Bitches

The Claire episode was great, then the show lost its steam with weeks and weeks off. It came back last week with a Chang-centric episode that was so uneventful, no one even came on here to discuss it. This week however, oh man.

Talking points for the below comments section and yes SPOILERS ABOUND:
1. Was that Sayid's girlfriend that Locke checked the house for?
2. What the F was that map/chart/awesome thing written in hidden ink on the back of the blast door.
3. Who thought of stormtroopers when they called them blast doors?
4. Is Henry Gale an other who killed and took the hidden identity of a black man? How did he ever think that was going to work?
5. Why did the hatch lockdown? What was said on the intercom? And why isn't Locke dead after losing so much blood having a 6 inch metal spike through his leg?
6. How is Jack that good at poker? What was he doing in Thailand? And what was Sawyer's tell that Jack knew his pair of 9's was good against Sawyer's pocket 5s? (Sam, you were right, GDGE).



Blogger Mere said...

To answer #3, why WOULDN'T it work? Henry Gale is just a name, we have no reason to believe that anyone left on the island knows who the real Henry Gale is. This guy has proven to be a smart mofo. Yes, I think it's safe to assume he's an Other now. Why else would he steal someone's identity?

Also, are we supposed to assume that Not-Henry punched the numbers into the computer on time? Maybe he didn't and we have yet to see the repercussions? Maybe the map/chart being illuminated was part of that. It's all a little fishy. There's got to be a reason they chose to stay with Locke during the time that Not-Henry was supposedly running against time to punch the numbers into the computer. Why not follow Not-Henry? What did he do? Will we have to wait until his backstory episode to find out?

Just when Locke's backstory can't get anymore pathetic, Peg Bundy dumps his ass. We still have yet to find out how he loses his ability to walk. I'm assuming you all saw the Oceanic planes flying overhead the motel? Eerie.

11:00 AM  
Blogger Germain said...

You raise some good questions about the computer and stuff but the reason I asked about the Henry Gale plot is because if you are going to steal a guys identity, then lie about it - why would you leave his ID in his wallet? How stupid is that? It just seems like a HUGE oversight in planning, especially if his plan was to send people out there. you have to assume people are going to dig up your "wifes" body. If its not an oversight, its one of the most ridiculous plot devices ever. HERE IS MY ID, I LEFT IT IN MY WALLET.

11:20 AM  
Blogger jonniechang said...

Mostly questions, maybe some answers:

-The ID thing and Henry Gale, I think it's another test. I think the Others send in these random buddies of there's, in attempts at integrating themselves into the Losties camp, all the while collecting information on the group and each individual's tendencies. I do find leaving the real Henry Gale's ID is a stupid move, but maybe, just maybe it was intentional. Maybe the Others really didn't think the Losties (or Sayid, rather) would go so far as to dig up what he told them was his wife's dead body. That's what makes me think it's a test. How far will we go to protect ourselves?

-The supply drop. I'm gonna go so far as to suggest that the Swan hatch might exist solely for coordinating supply drops. Think about it. It sends a signal right? Maybe they have to push it every 108 minutes to prove to Dharma that someone's still there, alive and well. Maybe that's the big "incident" that happened: Dharma folks got too wrapped up in Island activities and neglected to get supplies dropped in. Or maybe that's just one part of the incident, which is a more likely idea. I dunno, thinking out loud here.

-More faux Henry Gale vs. The Swan Hatch. I don't think he entered in the numbers, or at least he didn't in time. I think it's safe to assume he knows a lot about how the hatches work. Remember: the radio broadcast over the speaker and the blast doors dropping down happened BEFORE the final countdown started (doesn't it start at 44 minutes? I think Locke looked at it funny at 47 minutes). When the countdown ended, we heard the same "engine starting up" sound that we got when Locke didn't enter in the numbers in time a few eps. back.

-The map. The coolest shit this season on LOST since episodes 1-3. We know (or we strongly assume) that it's a map of the island. What's the question mark in the middle? Are those tunnels that have been built, leading to the center of the island? What're all the notes scrawled on the side? And why does it only appear after the alarm goes off? Why is it drawn on a blast door, and inside the central corridor (as opposed to the dome where the computer is?)?


1:05 PM  
Blogger Germain said...

God damn thats a good theory about the supply drop/the swan hatch.

1:53 PM  
Blogger jonniechang said...

So who else thinks faux-Henry Gale may be Kelvin, Desmond's Swan Hatch buddy?

2:49 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

They stayed with Locke because it was a Locke episode. They were playing on his theme of abandonment/betrayal. And also, so we couldn't see what "Henry" was doing, of course...

I think the most likely theory is that Henry Gale was traveling with his gay lover, who was coincidentally also named Henry Gale. If not, then it's a conspicuously poor choice for a cover story--they/he seems smarter than that.

I'm not sure why Locke didn't tell Helen the truth about his father; yeah, she doesn't like it one bit, but "I'm doing it for several hundred thousand dollars" is a fine shut-your-pie-hole.

I'm a bit more pleased with this episode's Locke-Henry interaction than the earlier part, where they have Henry use the second oldest trick in the book to try to build dissent/conflict between Locke and Jack; that was super-lame, one step above the "sick prisoner" ruse. That gag's got whiskers on it.

However, if he could just climb out the grate in the pantry, why would Locke even care about lifting the door, which required Henry's help? Seems like sloppy writing.

5:06 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Also, I would at least punch the numbers in ahead of time, so you could just push the execute button--would save some aggravation. I would also write them on a sticky-note and put in on the monitor.

5:16 PM  
Blogger Mere said...

Mark, what's the first oldest trick in the book?

8:57 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

The sick prisoner bit. That shit is pre-lapsarian. Current research dates it to at least 800BCE from an Etruscan fresco.

2:40 PM  

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