I figured I'd give Sam a place to rip up the latest episode of LOST. Rose and Bernard have some secrets, a character returns, Locke has a shitty memory and Henry Gale has a sinister smile. Discuss.
**UPDATE**Nothing big, but did anyone notice this last night?

I still think the whole show exists in Hurley's head.
I haven't yet taken the time to defend myself after last week's controversy, but I wish you knew me better than to think that I don't care about the show's characters, their backstories, and the events that developed their psychologies and personalities. If I didn't, I wouldn't be watching the show. Do I get even more excited when something like The Map develops on the island? You bet I do -- and you do too.
Look, I'm just your average Lost fan who's looking to reignite the spark. You read about it in the article Germain posted, and my feelings were echoed by a couple here. If it makes any difference, last night among my Lost-watching group, I was the only one invested in the Rose/Bernard story -- everyone else wrote Bernard off as an asshole and laughed at the scene where she told him she was dying (one friend remarked, "brought to you by the writers of last week's episode"). I was the only one in the room who got choked up.
(I still defy you to tell me that the slow motion foodplay scene with Hurley and Libby wasn't the most laughable moment of the season. I swore we were being set up with a dream sequence, and I was sad to be wrong.)
Michael coming back was cool. But I hate to say this -- the previews for the next episodes aren't playing to people like me (coming up on lost: analucia is off the handle! jack and sawyer butt heads! michael wants his son back!)... Gee.
Sam - I agree that the on island stuff is cooler and there wasnt much of that this week, but like my brother said very succinctly in his away message last night, "the best part of lost are the previews for next week." I'm hoping beyond hope that we are building to something here. And the line, "They are hardly armed. We can take them" got me juiced.
Here's the question though, and this is so off topic from this weeks average episode, but besides getting Walt, do the survivors have a reason to start a WAR with the others? Massacre them? I mean the others havent exactly been pleasant but with Kates discovery of their intelligence (and telling jack about it, my fave scene this week btw) will them attacking the others give them a better understanding of the island? Its probably safe to assume yes, but I'm not sure.
I'm just trying to think about this season as a whole and where we could be going because this weeks episode didn't do much except fill in a whole or two, give rose and bernard some much needed context, and drop this HH idea of places on the earth that have energy and can heal. I dont see any of that playing into The Others.
Now I'm just rambling.
PS - did anyone else think it would have been perfect if Bernard's beach sign was meant to read not S.O.S. but "LOST"? That shoulda been a no-brainer.
I think Bernard shoulda spelled out "N.H.D." in the sand instead of S.O.S., LOL.
Again, I had no real qualms about last night's ep., I got into Rose/Bernard's story ok and focused my thoughts on the supposed healing powers of the island. How is this going to play out with the oft mentioned "sickness?"
Michael's back, and guess what, he's pissed and wants his damn kid back (who's gotta be like, Frankie Muniz old by now). The next episode (ep. 20, titled "2 for the Road," an AnaL-centric ep.) looks very much like a "let's arm up and fuck up some Others!" episode, but in true LOST fashion, will likely be more of a leadup to the finale, or at least to ep. 21, titled simply "?," and is a Locke/Eko episode. Suuuuuweeeet.
Anyways, tired of the age-old argument of "is LOST as good today as it once was." If you're still watching, then it hasn't totally jumped the shark for you yet, right? Trust me guys, the finale will be worth the wait. You know it!
Why is no one mentioning the thirty seconds of pure HOT with Jack and Kate pressed up against eachother in the net? Good God. I lit a cigarette after the episode was over.
Good call Mere. I was surprised they didn't milk that just one more tug, but it contributed well to their final scene in a nice, subtle way.
Kate and Sawyer can flirt and lust after each other for seasons to come... but Kate will always be Jack's girl.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot -- is it me, or does Jack seem to have some pretty interesting skills? He's an expert shot, an expert poker player, and a surgeon, who may or may not have traveled the world. Anyone else think he might have some military training?
I'd like to be caught in a net with Kate. "Is that your gun poking my leg or are you just happy to see me?" Mmm mmm...
re: Germain's repost with the giant sad face.... wasn't there a giant happy face on the hot air balloon that Henry Gale supposedly crashed in onto the island?
Thoughts? Or just a coincidence?
Mere - I think its a coincidence. And I really can't take credit for posting those photos. It has to go to Chang. I would never wasted 20 seconds of my day posting something SO FUCKIN HUGE HORRIBLE.
Almost as horrible as posting a Slackers reference on a site where only 2 other people would get the joke.
What a dick. ;)
Wait. Jon posted a ";)" in his post. That's just like on the beach in LOST. BUT UPSIDE DOWN. Da dah daaaaaaa.
Guys, I was laughing about how insignificant the upside down smiley was myself -- until now.
Think about it.
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
my mind = blown
Mostly another filler, but mostly unobjectionable. Seems like they've created a new forumula for fillers; blah blah blah, then something interesting in the last 10 seconds.
That's not a frowny face; it's the Quechua symbol for "to cause to die." Looks like Bernie's next to die. He probably caught the cancer from Rose.
The caught-in-the-net scene was good. In that situation I would have made a lightsaber/penis joke.
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