Thursday, May 18, 2006


"Awesome, awesome, awesome"
That was the message I left on Chang's voicemail last night.

I really think that was one of the best episodes of the season. The new locations, the new characters, the on island flashbacks, let's discuss the penultimate episode of LOST - THREE MINUTES.


Blogger jonniechang said...

"I gotcha fo 3 minutes... 3 minutes of... playtime..."

Yeah, last night's ep was pretty darn good. Enthralling throughout, and tons of apparently-fake information that the Others wanted Michael to take back with him as fact. While watching the ep I was thinking just how cool it was that the only time we've seen Zeke in his "real clothes" was during Claire's on-island flashback. We still have no clue who these people are!

I'm glad to see that Walt hasn't been totally brainwashed. What was it that Miss Clue was hinting at -- that Walt has teleportation powers, or maybe the ability to perform "remote viewing?"

Does anyone else here feel like the Others are the catalyst for the reopening of The Dharma Initiative? I get this overall sense that they are on the island to get the experiments going again, or maybe they've bought into the ruse just as badly as the LOSTies (Eko, specifically) have?

So next week is the big showdown. I haven't talked about the sailboat, which I take to be a new LOSTie. Looks like season 2's closing with a bang!

1:06 PM  
Blogger Casabla said...

I really liked last night's episode, mostly because I think the "thing" with Walt is probably my favorite Macguffin on the show. The Michael/Walt backstory episode last year is probably my second favorite episode after the pilot. So naturally the return of Walt and the continued mania of Michael was going to interest me.

Now I know I'm usually pretty slow on the uptake with these things (I was after all, famously duped into believing DAVE GOODMAN's HH theory in the last Hurley episode lol), but the thing I found most interesting last night was Walt's impassioned plea that the Others "are pretending".

Now we know they wear fake beards, and their motives on the island and in regards to the survivors are ambiguous at best, so I apologize if I'm asking something obvious, but any speculation on what Walt's statement meant?

Other stuff I liked/any thoughts on: If I'm Jack, and I'm thinking of launching an attack on the Others, the FIRST person I would go to is Sayid, um, cause he's a fucking SOLDIER! I'm glad they finally addressed this last night, and duh, he was an intelligence officer, of course he figured out that Michael has been compromised! The dude is a severely under utilized weapon on amongst the survivors.

Also, did anyone check the new Hanso Foundation website???


2:16 PM  
Blogger jonniechang said...

Haven't checked the Hanso online "game" I guess you can call it. Anyone care to give us a report, or let us know if it's worth following?

I dunno what Walt is trying to imply, but I wanna believe that we shouldn't simply think as the LOSTies do -- that the Others are these black and white bad guys. They must have a motive behind their actions, one that's probably well over the heads of the LOSTies. Remember: the Others haven't killed anyone in front of us yet, only indirectly. There's no tangible evidence -- not counting the HH kidnappings -- that the Others mean ANYONE any harm.

With that said, I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that the Others will be joining forces with the LOSTies to battle a bigger foe. Who or what that foe is remains to be seen.

Also, what's the significance of singling out Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley? What's the connection between them and Michael and Walt? Thoughts?

4:49 PM  
Blogger jason.jackowski said...

Last night's "3 Minutes" was a terrific set-up for the sure-to-great finale!

RE: The Others.
How exactly are they pretending, as Walt said? I'd say it's that they're really carrying on the Dharma Initiative for what/whomever is their leader (READ: I don't think it's the Hanso Foundation) while employing the guise that they're worse off than the LOSTies. Jon, I agree -- the Others re-opened The Dharma Initiative. I just think they did so without the consent of the Hanso Foundation.

My favorite part about this episode was how it reminded up me of all the excellent characters are on this show. Charlie and Claire, Sayid, etc. We've been couped up in the hatch for too long... It was good to get out.

Pete, I did indeed check out the new Hanso Foundation website... What's up with the Jeep?! And, the Mouth Piece?!

I suggest every one playing or not to check out DJ Listen to the short podcast... Let me know what you hear there!

4:53 PM  
Blogger jason.jackowski said...


Glad you brought up the LOSTies "Gang of Four" of Hurley (who owns the fucking show right now!), Jack, Sawyer and Kate.

No Locke? No Sayid?

What is the connection and significance of these four survivors?!

4:55 PM  
Blogger jason.jackowski said...

Andrew Dignan's analysis of "Three Minutes" is up at Matt Zoller Seitz's blog.

I've got to say, this guy does the best writing on LOST I've read -- even if I don't always agree with him.

Check it out.

11:08 AM  
Blogger Sam's Myth said...

Andrew Dignan's blog is alright -- I don't really like his negative attitude (he doesn't even really care to know who the Others are). But he does make a good point that the kid who plays Walt is going to get very old very soon. He's pretty much got to be written off the show at some point soon, right?

This was indeed a great episode.. though I'm surprised some of you didn't like "?" just as much... It was awesome seeing Others Village, especially assuming that it's all an act. And I'm as curious as the rest of you about the people on the list.

Any more speculation on the boat? Could be what Dignan was referring to. Also, could this be "the boat" that Michael asked for? I know that he probably meant the tugboat, but maybe this ties into Michael's plot against his fellow castaways? A distraction or diversion of some kind? Probably not, just wondering.

Chang - great point about the Others. I predict that your prediction will be correct.

1:11 PM  
Blogger Sam's Myth said...

I never get any LOST voicemails from Germain... :(

1:11 PM  

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