Thursday, October 26, 2006

Four down, two to go...

Well I'm glad the previews for NEXT week say that "the next two episode change everything" because nothing changed with this week's Sawyer centric episode.

I mean it wasn't terrible, there were some cool things, but overall I'm still banking on these last few episodes really coming together for a huge mid season payoff.

Cool things I remember:
1. Jack might have been captured to do spinal surgery on someone, and that someone might be Benry.
2. Sawyer was in jail and has a daughter
3. Apparently, the Others are on another island...that no one on the original island has ever seen and makes no sense when juxtaposed with the beginning of this season (it all looked like one island, unless they live on one and experiment on another)
4. The Others are good con men.
5. Sun killed Colleen, who was "Buck and I like to Fuck's" wife.
6. Desmond is still seeing into the future, he is building some sort of weird lightning thing and we were introduced to our news spanish character.

What else did I miss? Did you love tonight's episode? Am I alone in my apathy? I'm not ready to give up or anything and still have faith in the series no matter what, but let's talk about what I thought was an - eh - episode, "Every Man for Himself."


Blogger jason.jackowski said...


I loved tonight's episode... okay, I didn't just love it... I john lovitz!

Plenty changed for Sawyer. His character is getting more dimensions in his flashbacks. The developement of having a daughter is very big... he's not the only parent amongst the survivors. So, not only do many of them have "daddy issues" but many are parents themselves... intersting.

Oh yeah, and Juilette is a fertility doctor... Hmmm...

There were also so many great LOST moments tonight, too. Pretty much everything with Sawyer and Kate. Desmond's lightning rod. Charlie's "we've got to get him another button to push." Bill Duke as the warden. Jack called to action. The sirens to cover Kate & Sawyer's screams. All good cracking stuff here!

Also, the big reveal at the end seems more like an elaborate con to me. It makes no logical sense, as Sayid and company sailed around the island. Remember, too, Hurley walked from the dock to the Losties camp. The Others are just doing what they can to control Sawyer.

I will conceed that these episodes are ending with a limp, though. Instead of huge cliffhangers, we're merely getting seeds of what is to come. But, you know what, I can't wait!

10:34 AM  
Blogger Sam's Myth said...

The island:

It still makes logistical sense: The Others' "fake camp" IS on Island 1. Apparently that's all Michael and Walt saw, and were never brought to Island 2. Sayid sailed around Island 1 to the dock, and the Others travel back and forth between the islands via their submarine (when Colleen arrived on a stretcher they had said "the sub's back"). I guess they still want a real boat since they can't actually leave on a submarine? But yeah, as they were climbing the cliff I said out loud "this better be good" and it really wasn't. Perhaps the master shot of the two planes crashing over The Others' village still works, but this is just a twist that doesn't do much for me. Also, the Losties could be on the other side of Island 1, that's why they never saw Island 2. Or, it could have an invisibility cloak on it, which would be sweet.

Didn't really care for this episode, but it's cool that Sawyer has a daughter (until now, no characters have really had anyone they care about back home). When Juliette asked Jack to help them, didn't you wish Jack had said "FUCK YOU, BITCH?" or at least negotiated with them a little bit? Moreover, why do they have a medical room but no resident surgeon? Haven't they been there for their whole lives?

And G - Desmond built the lightning rod to save Claire's tent from getting struck. At least I think that's what was implied. Desmond is straight up psychic now... How bout he intuit his way off of that island?

12:41 PM  
Blogger jason.jackowski said...


Haven't you noticed how Desmond's foresight is very short term? He also seems to be somewhat unaware of his abilities, too, just knowing that he needs to do these things.

I couldn't be the only one who dug this week's episode? This was by far my favorite of the new ones.


2:14 PM  
Blogger jonniechang said...

Mr. Jackowski, I also enjoyed this episode thoroughly. There was enough new material here -- particularly the flashbacks for Sawyer -- to excite me. I like Sawyer potentially having a daughter, I like Jack in the OR failing to save an Other (and esp. when he tells Juliet that he doesn't care about how she feels -- ice cold!), I loved Sawyer calling the rest of the LOSTies "our team," and I like the interrogation from Buck I Like to Fuck about whether or not Kate loves Sawyer. All in all, a worthwhile ep, although far from the best ever, this one beats out last week's ep for my favorite of the season thus far.

Bill Duke rules!

So yeah, things seem to be ramping up towards ep 6. The double-island thing, I think it could be a trick, maybe they did some sort of forced perspective previously to make us think it was only one island, but the idea only works if this is true:

-When Michael and Sawyer drifted back to the island, they would've had to drift in from the perspective of seeing the island from the back, where the Tailies are. So from the Tailies side of the island, you def can't see island #2.
-If the LOSTies are on the other side of the island from the Tailies, why is it THEY can't see island #2?
-Looking at the wide shot of the island from S3:E1, sure, the island where everyone crashes COULD be a different island from the one where the Others' camp is situated, but how is it that nobody saw the gap between the 2 islands?

Is it a trick? Did they shoot Sawyer up with something other than a sedative? Did his rising heart rate affect whatever it is they shot him up with, or was it just placebo? See what I mean about trusting Others? You just can't do it! Go Team LOSTies!

And oh yeah, that scene where Benry shook the bunny cage was pretty cool...

12:48 PM  
Blogger jonniechang said...

Oh yeah Sam, good catch on the lightning rod theory and saving Claire's tent, I didn't make that connection while watching but it makes complete sense.

Nice sneaks!

12:49 PM  
Blogger sc0tt said...

Another "meh" episode, in my opinion. Very straightforward - nothing too revealing.

Desmond is clairvoyant, yippee. We knew that already. But know some other people know.

Are they really on another island? Or was Benry just conning the con-man once again?

The Hydra is like a zoo facility. I assume that's where the polar bears came from... but the polar bears are on island 1.

Sawyer seemed very disconnected from his daughter and wanted nothing to do with her... I didn't really think anything more would develop in the future. But perhaps if that story develops it will make things interesting.

Again, very exciting, but nothing overwhelming - not the regular LOST experience. Where is Penny Widmore?!? I'd have thought she would have reacted within 3 days of receiving that call....

2:29 PM  

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