KNOW you can Locke it like THIS SON!!

So. Let's recap what we learned last night, shall we?
-Locke's wheelchair gives him the creeps. The flash frame creeps.
-Boone appears and "speaks" for the island.
-Locke doesn't have a problem with mind-altering drugs, and likes to spend quality time in his sweat lodge.
-Desmond can tell the future. And only Hurley knows.
-Locke is the new leader of the LOSTies (now we get to see the body count rise).
-Locke was a victim/key suspect of a major drug bust, but we don't know what ultimately happened.
-The hatch "imploded."
-Desmond, Locke, Eko, and Charlie are all perfectly a-ok. For now, at least.
-The failsafe key worked, whatever that white flash was.
-There's still one crazy polar bear running around, and he lives in an awesome cave.
-Finally, some LOSTie noobs start talking!
And as always, the multitude of questions:
-What is that shit Locke's eating? Looks like poop.
-Why couldn't Locke speak at the beginning of the ep?
-Why did Locke choose to put the sweat lodge inside Eko's church?
-Why was Locke in a wheelchair? And why, when he was in the midst of his spirit walk with Boone, did he no longer have the use of his legs?
-How the hell is Desmond able to tell the future?
-Who saved Desmond and Locke? (unless they either a.) don't remember, or b.) managed to escape, but just haven't said)
-Is it strictly coincidence that Hurley appeared just as Locke and Charlie were expecting the polar bear?
-Are the polar bears smarter than they should be?
-Was Eko being taken a coincidence, or is there more to it?
-Is there any significance to the way characters were presented in Locke's spirt walk sequence?
-Will Eko survive with Jack gone?
Of course there's plenty I'm not thinking of, but can I just say that I was loving last night's ep, up until about the last 15 minutes where it just totally lost steam? What happened to the regular cliffhangers? I miss the urgency of LOST.
Btw, where else have I seen the guy who played the undercover cop in Locke's flashbacks? Was he in another ep/season?
Getting better, prolly my fave ep of the season so far, but still missing that punch that makes LOST so great...
Alright, I'll voice my one burning question. You guys know I watch this show with my brain apparently turned down to between 1 and 0 on the power scale.....
What the hell is going on with Desmond and Hurley? What about Desmond tossing rocks into the ocean wearing a tie dye night shirt gave Hurley deja vu? Did I miss something earlier in the episode? (apparently?)
Loved seeing the polar bear again!
What you missed was when Desmond told Hurley that Locke was saving Kate, Jack and Sawyer. Desmond told him something about his "speech."
Personally, I loved the episode. Even if it defines the word anticlimax. These new episodes are missing an urgency to them, but also they aren't crammed with as much story as past seasons.
Is that what the 5-episode mini-season is getting us?
Lastly, am I the only one who thinks of Locke, Desmond, and Eko as a sort of "Three Wise Men" of the island now? If these three team up, who knows where this show is headed...
Yeah, IF they team up. Seems they're all so conflicted about their spirituality (and sometimes lack thereof) that they'll never join forces properly. I don't even know if Desmond really cares much about anything that doesn't directly relate to his Widmore girl.
But you're totally right -- Eko, Locke, and Desmond forming a triumvirate of power would be way cooler than Jack, Sawyer, and Kate running the show and getting their asses captured!
I feel like I'm left alone to defend Jack, Kate, and Sawyer -- it's so easy to love Locke isn't it? Anyways, Chang I feel we're growing apart, as this was my least favorite episode of the three*. What happened to your whole speech about how true LOST fans appreciate the back stories as much as, if not more than, what's going on on the island? I think at least Jack's and Sun's this season said a lot. Locke's left much unresolved, but I have a feeling they'll get back to it this season...
* the three rules.
And that's why I liked this ep, because we actually see Locke in a different situation than we've seen him before. Yeah, sure, we didn't know Sun was cheating on Jin with baldy, but c'mon, like there was gonna be anyone else? And gee, Jack having relationship problems, being obsessive, and having issues with his father? As much as I like that they tied those stories together nicely in their own ways, I still think you try your audience's patience by giving them 10% new material, and the rest is just same ol, same ol.
And back in the day, even when we got the slower, character-centric, non-island specific storylines, at least they'd drop something in the last 5-10 minutes of the ep (at least most of the time) to keep us hooked. I feel like they've stopped doing that because they can't live up to the hype (but really, who can?), and that irks me a bit. Nothing's panned out from the bold statements made by Lindelof last season like, "We should be jumping the shark every episode." What happened to that confidence they had in their 4-5 season plan?
Like I said, I think I like where they're going with all this and I think things will change once this 6-ep mini-season wraps, but until we get something really, truly intriguing and inventive and NEW, I just feel like the LOST writing staff is treading water, and that Dharma shark is this close to taking a big chomp outta LOST's fanbase.
I usually come on here with crazy theories and many questions, but after this episodes I found myself.. well... Lost.
I loved the episode - I really enjoyed watching it - but I'm just so confused where this mini season is going. There are so many tiny things being left unresolved in each episode and they are building up to a point where it's getting annoying to wait. There's not that suspense hanging week to week, but this feeling of "Damnit, tell me already... it's getting old."
My roommate watches "Jericho" so I've been watching it with him and the thing that annoys me is that they lengthen the story by putting in small events that have little to no relevence. I'm just hoping Lost doesn't start getting like this. The polar bear scene was cool, but almost seemed to me to only be there to add some action while ever so slightly developing the characters.
I really hope they tie a few of the smaller things together to finish out this mini-season. I mean they ended last season showing Penny Widmore receiving that call, but haven't even touched upon that after 3 episodes.
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