R.I.P., Mista Eko
It didn't look like you were smacked around that badly, but those polar bear bite wounds might've prevented you from surviving the black smoke's wrath. Why would the black smoke be so horrible to you after it was friendly enough to show you those magical images late last season? Doesn't the black smoke remember you? Perhaps it wants your soul, or, upon contact, reflects your current emotional state, but either way, we all thought the black smoke was your friend, and friends should never hurt other friends. But I guess sometimes friends turn, just like Juliet and her tumor-y "pal" Benry.
We hope that the undead soul of your late brother will one day manifest itself on the island to seek revenge and clear your name. And God willing, perhaps even Jack's father will come to his aid and stand by his side, seeking resolution with his son before entering the afterlife. After all, two wandering undead souls are always better than one... I think.
R.I.P., Mista Eko. See you in anotha life, brotha.
P.S. Don't be afraid. With death, there is also rebirth -- in the form of super hottie Nikki, now given the honor to speak on the show and be involved in all things worth revealing. She joins us as another in a long line of supermodel-esque women that somehow ended up marooned on LOST island.
God bless, young cutie. We, the male viewers of LOST, hope that you won't be killed off anytime soon.
We hope that the undead soul of your late brother will one day manifest itself on the island to seek revenge and clear your name. And God willing, perhaps even Jack's father will come to his aid and stand by his side, seeking resolution with his son before entering the afterlife. After all, two wandering undead souls are always better than one... I think.
R.I.P., Mista Eko. See you in anotha life, brotha.

God bless, young cutie. We, the male viewers of LOST, hope that you won't be killed off anytime soon.
Eko's death was a surprise to us all, but for some reason I'm not too affected by it. And if like me you read EW's preview on Wednesdays, you know they teased that the island would demand a sacrifice this week. I don't really get why Smokey killed Eko, but I'm guessing that if Smokey takes on the appearance of whatever you need it to, then it carries out the actions that you need it to as well, and Eko wanted to die. Everyone loved Eko for the wisdom he brought to the island and his determination -- a perfect third counterpoint for Jack and Locke. He also was the reason Locke has returned to his old self, after doubting Eko in the hatch and then famously realizing that he "was wrong." Eko's death correlates to the rebirth and re-emphasis of Locke on LOST (more on this below).
This new couple on the show is absolutely worthless. It's as if they're unaware just how AWESOME new characters have been in the past (introduction of Desmond, Eko, even Ana Lucia). Attractive, yes, but completely worthless.
I'm hoping that next week will bring us the twist that the producers have talked about as the one that will make half of the LOST fans quit the show (can someone remember or quote that interview?). Well, let me go on record right now, just so it's clear, and predict that Jack Shepherd's last episode on LOST will be next week. He will go through with the surgery (as classic and brilliant as the "To Kill a Mockingbird" scene was, Jack needs a little more info than that to be able to trust Juliet. Her and Ben are both as untrustworthy as you can get, but he's gotta pick one of them. What do you think?). Then, he will either choose to get sent home as his pay (he'll probably also negotiate to free Kate and Sawyer), or they'll kill him on the spot after they've used him (this would completely restore all FEAR in The Others that has been diluted this season since finding out they're just normal people).
Thoughts? Am I on to something here, or is Jack's line from the preview ("I've gotta get off this island!") just a standard LOST rouse?
Forgot too follow up on Locke: Needless to say, with Jack gone from the show, the spotlight will shift to Locke as the leader of the Losties. Remember back when Locke was the coolest character on the show?
(Speaking of the coolest character on the show, I'm just dying for more Desmond, I don't know about you.)
Another couple of tidbits I picked up from EW:
- Remember the glass eye that was found in the Tailies' hatch? Does it belong to Eye Patch Man??
- If Rose and Locke were cured by the island, why wasn't Ben?
First off, commercials are ruining the flow of this season - there are entirely too many. I think half of the first 25 minutes were commercials.
I like your whole take on Jack. That would be incredibly shocking, yet to a degree it makes sense. I know I read somewhere that Matthew Fox and Josh Holloway were fighting a lot on set. So if one of them have to go, I actually do hope it's Jack.
And with this theme of dead corpses missing and the black smoke taking on their appearance, perhaps it's Christian's time to show up and take Jack away. I'm still dying to see him on the island again.
I heard a lot of people say they didn't like this weeks episode, but to me, it was the best of the season. I like seeing a little bit of everything being covered. And yes, the "To kill a mockingbird" scene was amazing. I've missed those moments.
Sam - I think you bring up a very valid point that Jack could die - his trust of Juliet was, to me, the central issue after this week's episode - especailly since Eko died in such awesome fashion.
Though - I dont remember them saying that the cliff hanger next week would make people hate the show.
You are right to bring up Desmond though, because not one reference to his girl looking for him at the end of last season has been brought up yet, and you know it will be.
And if Sayid is back, where are Sun and Jin?
Great episode though, best of the season so far.
Nice co, mments. I liked last night's ep too.
Re: Jack dying. Wow, that'd be cool. I hope they do it, or...
...kill Sawyer.
Re: Healing Rose vs Benry. Benry's on the other island, no?
Re: Jack saying, "I've gotta get off this island!" -- I assumed he was referring to the Others' island.
Re: New couple. Christ Sam, they've had ONE episode.
Re: Glass eye. Nice. I like the idea that there may be Dharma folk still in some of those hatches, like Desmond, but actually a part of Dharma, unaware of what's going on.
Re: Half of the show's audience disappearing after next week. Yeah, well, I think half of LOST's audience has ALREADY disappeared after 5 solid but underwhelming season 3 episodes catered to current viewers and remained totally unapproachable to any curious new viewers. I look at the first 5 episodes of season 1 and 2 and see a far superior show than what's airing these days, unfortunately. Maybe 6 will make up for it, but honestly, I worry that they're treading dangerously into Prison Break mode.
The new couple has actually had three episodes. First, they had random lines a couple weeks ago (totally awkward and forced), then dude was golfing last week, now this week they tagged along and did nothing. Wow, she's such a genius to think of turning the TVs on...
Mr. Eko RIP.
Had there been more episodes focusing on Mr. Eko, I might be able to say he was my favorite character on the show. Unfortunately, we hardly knew ye, Mista Eko. He will be sorely missed.
My theory is that the "smoke monster" is after the island's "Three Wise Men," who clearly have some sort of enlightenment about the island since being in the hatch ex/implosion. Something tells me the Island doesn't like their gifts of foresight and faith. The "Smoke Monster" will feed off their fear, just like Mr. Eko.
Agreed, the new couple is completely worthless so far. It's as if they forgot that there are already older background characters that they could use. It demonstrates laziness on the writer's part in my eyes. UNLESS, of course, this couple turn out to be Others. They seemed to know their way around The Pearl a little better than most. Although, Locke was conveniently stupid for one beat of the episode.
As for next week being Jack's last, I highly doubt it. My feeling is that he will actually save Ben's life. THIS will be what turn people off. Jack needs to save somebody. Here is his opportunity. Does he have any reason to trust Juliette? The answer is no. Expect him to play into Ben's hands on this.
Remember, too, there is a shit ton about The Others we know NOTHING about. Where is the mysterious black woman who was with Walt last season? Where are all the kids they've taken? What is the deal with Eye-Patch? Does this give creedence to Steve's claim about there being two groups of Others?
scOtt -- RE: the commercials. I recommend watching the show on DVR, start it maybe 15 min. late. It works like a charm for me!
All in all, really good episode. It just keeps getting better... Can't wait for next week's.
I don't think they forgot about the recognizable background characters, I think they're trying not to pack every episode with familiar faces so they don't have to pay everyone to be on every episode. Prolly helps keep the budget down.
And c'mon, I'm for new LOSTies getting speaking roles, otherwise we're stuck with more Charlie or Hurley backstories that reiterate the fact that they're addicted to heroin and food, respectively. BO-RING. If they just brought them in and gave them all this shit to do, you'd STILL complain. Damn fanboys!
Aye Jason... I record every episode and watch it more than once. It's also not until I watch it back on DVR that I actually appreciate the episode.
I'm just frustrated with how it's being aired.
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