"We're gonna need to watch that again."
In typical Lost fashion, we've had our questions answered with more questions.
Love that we've spent days, weeks, months speculating over the meaning of the hatch/bunker and we get our "answer" in a matter of seconds.
It's not an accident that Locke and Jack are continuing the cycle. I think we all know that.
It's unclear as to whether the six bunkers are on the island or all over the world. The tape refers to that bunker (bunker 3) being in a certain secter of the island... are the other 6 in other secters? Would make sense if the polar bear/zoology research bunker was on that island. What was the "malfunction" that was referred to in the tape? Could it be that the magnets pulled something to the island that it shouldn't have? The Black Rock, perhaps? The Black Rock was filled with slaves, right? Could the slaves have gone nutso and become DUN DUN The Others? And the button keeps them at bay? I'm just freestylin' now.
Personally I love Jack's theory that it's all a guinea pig experiment to see if someone actually would hit the button every 108 minutes but that explanation has some finality to it, so I don't really know where they would go after that reveal. And since all of Chang's peeps work together, I think it's very likely that Sun's father is involved with Dharma. Though I've never read it, did a little bit of research on "The Turn of the Screw" (the book Desmond referenced). Long story short, the major themes of the book deal with the corruption of innocence by evil and the belief that obsession leads to destruction. Certainly applicable here. Another great example of the writer's using every resource to further the story and themes at work.

Is it just me or does Alvar Hanso bear a striking resemblance to A) a mannequin, B) Locke's Dad, C) Leslie Nielsen or D) All of the Above.
Answer: D
And of course this exists already
For those of you who did watch the preview for next week and want to discuss the obvious "What the f*ck?!" moment, email me.
Ana Lucia and the rest of the back of the plane (so typical of coach isn't, it?) seem to have regressed into barbarians, as opposed to the civilized living situation that the front of the plane has enjoyed.
Love that we've spent days, weeks, months speculating over the meaning of the hatch/bunker and we get our "answer" in a matter of seconds.
It's not an accident that Locke and Jack are continuing the cycle. I think we all know that.
It's unclear as to whether the six bunkers are on the island or all over the world. The tape refers to that bunker (bunker 3) being in a certain secter of the island... are the other 6 in other secters? Would make sense if the polar bear/zoology research bunker was on that island. What was the "malfunction" that was referred to in the tape? Could it be that the magnets pulled something to the island that it shouldn't have? The Black Rock, perhaps? The Black Rock was filled with slaves, right? Could the slaves have gone nutso and become DUN DUN The Others? And the button keeps them at bay? I'm just freestylin' now.
Personally I love Jack's theory that it's all a guinea pig experiment to see if someone actually would hit the button every 108 minutes but that explanation has some finality to it, so I don't really know where they would go after that reveal. And since all of Chang's peeps work together, I think it's very likely that Sun's father is involved with Dharma. Though I've never read it, did a little bit of research on "The Turn of the Screw" (the book Desmond referenced). Long story short, the major themes of the book deal with the corruption of innocence by evil and the belief that obsession leads to destruction. Certainly applicable here. Another great example of the writer's using every resource to further the story and themes at work.

Is it just me or does Alvar Hanso bear a striking resemblance to A) a mannequin, B) Locke's Dad, C) Leslie Nielsen or D) All of the Above.
Answer: D
And of course this exists already
For those of you who did watch the preview for next week and want to discuss the obvious "What the f*ck?!" moment, email me.
Ana Lucia and the rest of the back of the plane (so typical of coach isn't, it?) seem to have regressed into barbarians, as opposed to the civilized living situation that the front of the plane has enjoyed.
You mean Jin talking? Fuckin asians!!!!
I think he's in kahoots with "Shaft" and Ana Lucia. We never saw how he got back to the island. I think they let him go on purpose... they've already pulled that trick once with Ana Lucia, we have no reason to trust them. And think about what he says in the preview.
Things are going to change.
Ooooo, you think Jin is not only Dharma, but the Others are Dharma as well? If Dharma had people on the plane that knew it was going to crash, that would explain why Ana Lucia had so quickly aligned herself with the others. I really do need to watch that orientation video again, because i missed the 6 bunker thing and the like.
Wow... actually I wasn't saying that The Others were Dharma but it's an interesting thought. I guess we need to decide if Shaft was part of The Others or just part of the group from the back of the plane. Or have those two groups merged?
I think it's possible that Jin may have aligned himself with Ana Lucia and Shaft and WHATEVER group they belong to (The Others or the back of the plane).
I'm sure by now the orientation tape is available online somewhere. I'll look around.
My assumption for the time being is that "Shaft" and Ana Lucia are, in fact, flight 815 survivors that have obviously walked the "Lord of the Flies" route of island settlement. That's not to say Ana Lucia is just mixing in with "the others," which is certainly possible, but without tangible evidence, no way of knowing for sure.
The Dharma connection w/ Jin is def on my mind. The more I think about it, the more I feel like Jin set a lot of this stuff up. Like going on the raft. Why? To make sure nobody escapes? How does he make it to shore so much faster? How does he time his reveal at the same moment Michael and Sawyer hit the beach? And with Ana Lucia's "con," I feel like the whole "other side of the island" story is a major set up. We'll see how it pans out.
Will post a big blog sometime today, but a bit busy at work at the moment...
I meant, "That's not to say Ana Lucia ISN'T just mixing in with "the others," which is certainly possible, but without tangible evidence, no way of knowing for sure."
Yeah, that's interesting Jin, I mean Chang. (GDChang's father)
I thought before the season started the fact it was so out in the open that Girlfight Rodriguez was a survivor on the other side of the island, that it was a bit of a huge horrible spoiler. In retrospect now, it does seem as if the whole thing was a hoax by ABC PR and Lindelof.
huh? She IS from the tail.. just like ABC has always said. Confused.
Yeah but they always said that there were people on the other side of the island with her, other survivors. Maybe she is the only one.
I was lead to believe she was just one of many new survivors from 815 that were sitting in the back and landed on the other side of the island.
Yeah, good point G. Never have they outright said anything that should make us think there are more survivors from the tale outside of Ana Lucia. It's highly possible she just latched onto whatever resources/people she could find -- if in fact Shaft and his peeps are "the others."
The more I think about it, the more I think a lot of what happened last night is misleading, and meant to be interpreted in a way that is, most likely, wrong. Remember, even the orientation film is incomplete. There's a lot there we're missing. Lots of names dropped, and who's to say any of them are real and/or important? Who's to say the "experiment," or "research," is still happening? Has the island "existed" only since the 80's? The 70's? Earlier? What about the Black Rock?
It's not as if all our questions were answered, but moreso like more to chew on and go from, like a challenge to our own personal belief system as a viewer. Think about it. What's the purpose of such a research facility? For observation, right? So who's doing all the watching? We're "looking into a window," so to speak, at what is an experiment that we're told others are looking in on as well. In other words, we're in the same boat as the people behind the mystery, the people funding the research -- the only difference between us as viewers and them is that we don't know the "why." Why continue pressing the button? Why bring these people to the island? Why do everything possible to keep them here? There's gotta be more to it than just a science experiment. In my mind I keep thinking about failsafe devices, contingencies against a bigger "what if..." What if the rest of the world were to blow up? Disease were to spread? Etc.
I'm with Jack, I think it's all a test. A test to see how people react to certain situations within a relatively small, undeveloped, uncivilized, and unexplored area. To see if we follow what would normally be predicted we do if we weren't stuck on an island. Does anyone remember how long Desmond said he's been on the island? The conspiracy theorist in me is showing through...
He said his boat thingy (I swear I can't understand a friggin' word he says despite the fact that he's speaking English) crashed on the reef three years ago.
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