Wednesday, November 08, 2006

"Kate, Damnit, Run!"

So that was the big cliffhanger for this mini season huh?

It was a great episode, filled with tension and little tidbits of information but as a cliffhanger? I was severely underwhelmed. That aside, we now have three months to discuss "I Do" before "Not in Portland" on Feb. 7 - a JULIET-centric episode.

Nathan Fillion rules. He should be on the island with a side holster and save them all on the Firefly. Instead he's a Miami cop who Kate was married to. Do we have any idea where in her timeline this was? Probably between killing that dude and Australia? And was it important that he's from Miami?

The biggest tease for me in this episode was, "Shepard wasn't even on Jacob's list." Is Jacob the true leader of the Others? Will meeting him explain SOMETHING at all about these people and why they kidnap children and dress as hillbillies? Probably not.

Anyway - let's get cracking on discussing this episode, a good one to be sure, but "The Best Episode Yet?" I don't really think so.


Blogger Casabla said...

One question, and hopefully this isn't painfully obvious.....

When Alex is being pulled away she says to Kate "they're going to kill your boyfriend, just like they killed ______"

I missed the name and assume it was significant. Help please!

12:13 PM  
Blogger Germain said...

A great point by an MSNBC guy...

If Ben can actually get off the island that easily, he’d probably have booked passage to somewhere with an actual hospital, rather than relying on a prisoner who may not be all that enthused about keeping his patient alive.

2:18 PM  
Blogger jonniechang said...

I just need to know 1 thing:


3:16 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Germain, since it's almost certainly a boat he has, if anything, it could very easily take more than a week to get anywhere, meaning he would be DOA.

6:48 PM  
Blogger jason.jackowski said...

Sorry for the delay... I can finally chime in on this one...

Pete -- I missed it, too. Perhaps this was intentional?

G -- Agreed on the boat. Ben's full of shit, in my estimation. And when Jack says "I need to get off this island" -- Ben will fullfill that promise by dropping him on the old island (that is if there really are two of them). Also, Ben was a little more than excited to get Desmond's sailboat... wouldn't he be a lot less excited if there was already a way off? The guy knows how to blow smoke up asses -- didn't he demonstrate this as "Henry"? I don't trust him one bit.

Jon -- Jacob? Wasn't he one of the "Others" who made their way to the Losties camps? I got nothing but questions on this one...

Ok, on to more original thoughts...

Sam was right last week that somebody else is dying on the show... but, it ain't Jack!
Clearly, we now have three months to prepare for the eventual murder of Sawyer. It's such a shitty idea (like if Lucas had Han Solo frozen to death at the end of Empire), but I have to admire it for the enormous balls on the writers' part.

Also, to echo Germain's point, Nathan Fillion sure is great, but I don't get the significance of certain aspects of that flashback (namely Miami and the 'Palmetto' phone booth). Perhaps we are to believe that Kate would sacrifice only someone she truly loves for her own well being?(*cough*Sawyer*cough)

And, as far as cliffhanger's go -- while this was an excellent episode -- it feels like a bit of a cop out. Like they were forced to throw in a pseudo-cliffhanger (sort of like the end of Kill Bill vol 1).

But, that said, three months can't come soon enough now!

9:56 AM  

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