We're back baby! Season 4! Episode 1! Oh my god!
In all of two minutes, with two words, "Lost" had me back in a big big way. And for those of you who haven't seen it yet. Stop reading now. For everyone else, click into the comments and lets rock this bitch.
In all of two minutes, with two words, "Lost" had me back in a big big way. And for those of you who haven't seen it yet. Stop reading now. For everyone else, click into the comments and lets rock this bitch.
Those words were "Oceanic Six" and was what future Hurley referred to himself as a member of. We know that Jack and Kate get off the island. We know that someone is in a coffin off the island. But who are they? And what happened to the, oh, 30 or so other people on LOST island? Only season 4 - or the first half of it - is going to tell us for sure.
The title of the episode was "The Beginning of the End" and two things began tonight that are probably important. First, the survivors broke into two factions: those who believe the rescuers are bad, lead by Locke, and those who believe they are good, lead by Jack. (And each group is way more than six, so rule that out as the answer). Second, character actor Jeremy Davies arrives as one of the rescuers at the very end. And based on what future Hurley told almost future Jack ("almost future" because we've seen Jack after this), this division will be important (Hurley says he shouldn't have went with Locke).
Hurley is also visited by an Oceanic lawyer, played by 'The Wire's' awesome Lance Reddick (CEDRIC MOTHERFUCKING DANIELS!!!) and a dead Charlie. Who knows if they're real or not. We do know that Hurley thinks "it" (the island?) is trying to get him, Jack and the rest of the six back. "They need you," dead Charlie tells future Hurley.
Confused? Good. So am I. But I'm fucking psyched to talk about it.
As always, well put, G. Nice to have Lost Mania back up and running!
Finding new excuses to break apart into groups of two is what the Losties seem to do best. I wonder if this season (or at least the first half of it) will follow last season's model (and I think also part of the previous season's model) of having entire episodes just devoted to one group's story (i.e. when Kate, Sawyer and Jack were stuck in the Others interment camp).
Again we see Jacob's cabin. And Jacob (anyone have a link to a screen grab?) And some dude's eye in Jacob's cabin. Oh, and the cabin MOVES.
I love it. More More More! Gimme Gimme Gimme!
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Deleted above cause the link didnt show up.
just press shift END to highlight the whole thing.
This is Jacob
Good to be back to all things LOST -- especially in the throes of the WGA strike with nary a new episode of The Office or 30 Rock to be had (thankfully, Friday Night Lights still has three more episodes to go)!
"The Beginning of the End" (Smashing Pumpkins ref?) was a rock solid episode that really brought us back up to speed without cramming too many nuggets down our throat. I had forgotten that last season's finale left a number of unresolved plot points, namely the other group of Losties not knowing about Charlie's death. Hurley telling Claire about it: completely heartbreaking and got me misty eyed. Of course, the biggest nugget here is the term "The Oceanic Six." First off, how long before there's a band with that name? Secondly, who are they (we've got three of them)? Thirdly, how do they get off the island?
Season 4 (or 3.5 is REALLY what it should be) will hopefully be devoted to exploring this mystery. I'm sure in true LOST fashion we'll get tons of vaguery for a while, but enough to chew on and cause rampant speculation. I love it.
The series has sort of entered its "Empire Strikes Back" phase where it will (hopefully) go into much darker terrain and explore the depth of these characters.
Any season that opens with Hurley-centric episode has surely got my vote of confidence!
Eh, guys...
that's Jack's dad.
I'm out.
I seriously hope not.
Worst. twist. ever.
Jacob is some sort of being that can take different forms. That explains Walt, Jack's dad, Eko's brother, etc.
At least that's my theory.
Hey guys, yeah this shit was completely sick and amazing. You know things are bad when even a Hurley episode (always the seasons turns towards lightness and sentimentality) is DARK AS HELL!!
I love how we're going to learn more about crazy ol Hurley, and of all the characters his is so deserving of more depth so kudos to the writers.
Possible Oceanic 6 Lists anyone?
My vote is Jack, Hurley, Kate, Claire, Jin, and Sun. Or subtract any of the last three and replace it with, I don't know, Desmond or the polar bear.
Amazing stuff, though, and I think by far the most gripping premiere since the pilot.
I still say that Kate is not one of the Oceanic Six technically. I predict she makes some kind of deal with this new group of people coming to the island which pardons her from her jail sentence back home and sets her up to be pretty well off on top of that (she doesn't just look hot when we see her at LAX, but way more healthy, physically and mentally, than Jack). She's pretty convinced that Jack's wrong, that they "were" supposed to come back, and as far as her interests are concerned, coming back and getting off the hook WAS the right thing to do. But to do this she basically betrays Jack and everyone. This deal she might make with these people could even involve a romance, ie. she whores herself out to the top tog of this organization in order to come home and be free. That's my theory.
I think Kate not being a part of the Oceanic 6 is interesting and possibly an indication that perhaps she's not the only one who got back to the real world "off the books".
Sun & Jin - maybe need to still be thought-of as Lost to evade the grasp of Sun's father?
Sawyer - Just killed a man in Australia, and did some killin' on the island.
Michael & Walt - Obviously they don't escape in the same manner, but we never really see them officially get off the island, we just see them leave and we see Walt come back in a flashback/forward/hallucination where he's obviously older, but who knows where he is?
So there you go, definitely fodder for debate. I'm so psyched for this week - any predictions?
I've always been pro Jack's dad coming back - in fact in favor of him being the leader of the Others. I don't think the Jacob image is Jack's dad, though.
They've stated over and over that he is dead.
Am I crazy or were there interviews that said that everything on the island could be scientifically explained - no supernatural occurrences?
If that is the case, there are a lot of hallucinogenic experiences. Jacob's house appearing in different locations? It makes me wonder if there is a correlation between all the different times people see these "supernatural" occurrences.
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