"I will come back here for you."
All I'm gonna say is that last night's episode may have been my favorite ever.
Where the hell did everyone go? The contributors list on the right margin of the main page is down to like five people.
Where the hell did everyone go? The contributors list on the right margin of the main page is down to like five people.
It's when they linked blogger with google, anyone that didn't update their status was lost as a contributer.
Anyway, this season is turning out to be one of my favorites. It seems they are feeling pressure from a show like Heroes that is quite revealing each episode. Thus, we are getting more and more answers to small things that have always bugged us, and at the same time, in classic Lost mode, opening up a whole new slew of questions!
I actually had to download this episode because my DV-R "forgot" to record it somehow. But I'm going to have to agree that it may have been one of my favorite episodes ever.
So, one thing I didn't pick up on... is that REALLY Locke's father? Locke always came to the conclusion that he was just a con-man pretending to be family, but Ben referenced him as Locke's true father. And how is he on the island?! Damn magic box! There's some crazy stuff stirring up.
This may be another instance of me missing something that was obvious on the show, but Scott, I always assumed it was Locke's father and that he also WAS a con man. Damn if I was wrong then that guy is arguably the hugest asshole ever!
Again, very solid episode, Locke is such an intriguing character. The Jack/Kate moment was awesome too. Can we trust Ben that once the submarine left the island would never be found again? Doubtful, but worth pondering.
I may sound like a broken record here too, but has anyone in a podcast or anything heard if they plan on coming back to Michael/Walt ever again? I know the actor who played Michael is on a new show, but come on! Why develop Walt's "super powers" and then doing nothing with it.
The Google/Blogger thing sucks ass if it's just cutting off the contributors here. Jason and anyone else reading, I don't know what to tell you. Mere?
I think it's supposed to be a but unclear whether he's really Locke's father, but one thing I'm pretty sure about is that in the next Sawyer flashback, I bet it will be revealed that Locke's dad is also the con man from Sawyer's childhood.
Pete -- They've said that Michael and Walt will be seen again in season four or five. One contributor to their storyline was their concern about Walt (the actor) aging too quickly, and they say they've come up with a cool way to "address" this when they come back.
I've watched this episode twice since it aired. So, so good. I love this show, and all you season-three haters can kiss my ass!
hi guys - sorry, i know i've been gone for a while, but i'm SO GLAD this has been kept alive and that there are still people out there who are loving this season!!
ditto on sam's comment, anyone who thinks lost has "lost it" this season was not a true fan from the beginning. this season is weeding out occasional viewers from those who truly LOVE these characters.
I really, really liked this episode!
Locke is back to being the guy in the rated-R movie -- the one I'm not sure whether or not I like yet.
Sam's prophecy of Jack leaving the show appeared to be coming true, but alas Locke had to put the kibosh on it.
This season is getting REAL interesting. Although, to sound eeriely similar Brad Pitt in SE7EN -- WHAT'S WITH THE BOX??!?
Is LOST really going into STALKER territory?? Sam?
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