Thursday, February 15, 2007

"Dude, do you have super powers?"

I'm surprised no one has posted yet, so leave it to the guy who never has any insight. I have to say, I thought these past two weeks were one of the best 1-2 combos of LOST episodes we've had. Why? Because the flashbacks (always a source of debate) are best when they are plot driven, not "mood driven" (example: Jin and Sun's flashback telling us AGAIN that Sun had doubts about Jin because he's kinda crazy and stubborn and over-protective, we know). Last week we got Juliette's recruitment pitch, this week, we have the It's a Wonderful Life-esque inspired Desmond episode. Loved it. The final twist though, haven't they almost killed Charlie like 2 or 3 times? Why do they pick on him?


Blogger jason.jackowski said...

Blogger ate my original post from yesterday! WTF!?!?

But, yeah... I wanted to say that I loved this episode. Works great as the sort of latter-day TWILIGHT ZONE-esque show that LOST sometimes tries to be, but not often enough (for my tastes).

Now, is Desmond pyschic or a time traveler? Personally, I'm down with the scenario of him being in a time loop a la Bruce Willis in 12 MONKEYS. I don't know where you could go from there, but it is an interesting development, I must say.

Any thoughts???

5:28 PM  
Blogger jason.jackowski said...


what's happened to this site?!?!!

for reals, LOST has had some of its best episodes since season 1 and there is NOTHING going on here...

What the mcfuck?!

4:13 PM  

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