Thursday, October 26, 2006

Four down, two to go...

Well I'm glad the previews for NEXT week say that "the next two episode change everything" because nothing changed with this week's Sawyer centric episode.

I mean it wasn't terrible, there were some cool things, but overall I'm still banking on these last few episodes really coming together for a huge mid season payoff.

Cool things I remember:
1. Jack might have been captured to do spinal surgery on someone, and that someone might be Benry.
2. Sawyer was in jail and has a daughter
3. Apparently, the Others are on another island...that no one on the original island has ever seen and makes no sense when juxtaposed with the beginning of this season (it all looked like one island, unless they live on one and experiment on another)
4. The Others are good con men.
5. Sun killed Colleen, who was "Buck and I like to Fuck's" wife.
6. Desmond is still seeing into the future, he is building some sort of weird lightning thing and we were introduced to our news spanish character.

What else did I miss? Did you love tonight's episode? Am I alone in my apathy? I'm not ready to give up or anything and still have faith in the series no matter what, but let's talk about what I thought was an - eh - episode, "Every Man for Himself."