Friday, October 28, 2005

Spoilers, Spoilers, and More Spoilers

Here're some episode descriptions for the next few *new* episodes (read at your own risk):

LOST Episode Six -- Abandonded

Sayid (Naveen Andrews) plots a romantic encounter to consumate his blossoming relationship with Shannon. Sawyer's detoriating condition slows the progress of the party, as they become aware of a mysterious presence stalking them. Locke shows an unusual interest in Claire, and Charlie bristles at her response. Shannon is led deep into the jungle by the reapperance of Walt. In flashback we learn why Shannon is so manipulative, and that it is not as bad-natured as we might have thought. In fact you'll find that she was living a Pre-Prince Cinderella exsistence after her father died.

LOST Episode Seven -- The Other 48 Days

This episode begins with the survivors of the tail section making their way to shore. In a grisly scene, there are dozens of bodies floating up to the beach. (Might be cut.) We will learn that their numbers were slowly dwindled as they attempted to protect the children of the tail section from 'The Others'. Eko and Ana both have flashbacks, and a surprising detail of why Mr. Eko was on the plane is revealed.

LOST Episode Eight -- (title unknown)

The details of this episode are in dispute right now. Some have reported it is a charlie-centric episode and deals with his temptation to start using Heroin again. The search for a missing castaway ends in tragedy when the castaway is found dead; the person that finds the body is blamed for the death by Jack, who again finds a way to shift partial blame on Locke.

LOST Episode Nine -- Reunion Tour

As the tail-enders and rafters make it to the beach camp, Sawyer hangs near death. His flash back concerns what went wrong with Hibbs, and the impact it had on Sawyer and his aversion to 'belonging'. Meanwhile the real killer steps forward to exhonerate the accused. Ana Lucia's reunion with Jack is all business as she informs him they they were stalked along the way and that the Others may be close behind. Rose and Bernard are reunited. And a secret slips out about "
Libby". And of course what Reunion would be complete without 'The Monster'.

And then there's this link, which is a theory I think could be possible. I'm calling it a theory because it's not proven true or backed up, but it sounds like the guy's way too confident about his "prediction" for this to be entirely fake. Decide for yourself, if you so choose:


Enjoy, and have a good weekend. Only 2 more weeks until we see some death!


Thursday, October 27, 2005


October 26, 2005 (Courtesy of Entertainment Weekly Online)

Darren Aronofsky will direct 'Lost'

Who knew cult director Darren Aronofsky was a fan of the boob tube? The Requiem for a Dream helmer has just signed on to direct an episode of ABC’s Lost, which will likely air at the beginning of May sweeps. “It was one of those fantastic calls out of the blue,” says Lost exec producer Carlton Cuse. “His agents let us know he liked the show, and we jumped at the opportunity. Apparently, he had been watching Lost while up in Montreal shooting The Fountain and got hooked.” Speaking of which, won’t this interfere with completing Fountain, the director’s six years-in-the-making sci-fi epic starring fiancée Rachel Weisz and Hugh Jackman? “I think he will be done,” speculates Cuse. “We scheduled it so that [the episode] is coming on the heels of finishing The Fountain. And we will try to put together a story that will be well-suited for Darren’s talents and visual imagination.”

... May sweeps. Can that be further off?


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Discussion starter

No, it's not a flash movie to a Weird Al song - but Herc at AICN (who has a direct feed into Damon Lindeoff) has posted some interesting, semi-spoiler stuff about upcoming episodes.

2.6 Shannon
2.7 [forbidden]
2.8 Ana Lucia (huge!!!!!!)
2.9 Kate
2.10 [forbidden]

Two things I believe we are permitted to reveal about 2.7: 1) It sounds cool. 2) 2.7 differs from every other “Lost” episode in at least one key respect.
2.10 (less unconventional but still verboten for discussion at this time) is slated to air in January.
Jolene Blalock will continue to appear in no “Lost” installment until at least 2.11.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


A coworker of mine named Brandon got into Lost on my recommendation, watched every episode in a week, and came back to discuss with me this afternoon and trade our various finds. A couple I picked up from him that you guys may or may not know about...

- a gold Pontiac is involved in three car accidents in three character flashbacks: Locke, Kate, and Michael.

- Desmond's shirt, seen in the stadium flashback, bears a logo that resembles on the Vodka bottle(s) that Jack gets on the plane. You be the judge on this one...

- apparently one of the creative founders of Dharma -- mentioned in the orientation video -- looks like one of the dudes on the tugboat. Perhaps these two people are checking in, or actively involved in the project.

That's all I got. Since I haven't read the spoiler thread about the next episode, I'll keep asking if anyone has any thoughts on the teddy bear, the age of the Others whose legs we see, or anything else that can be gleaned from last week...

Getting together a Lost halloween group hopefully. If I still had my longer hair, I'd sign up for Sawyer, but with my new buzz I might try to fill Locke's shoes, or go for Charlie if I wuss out. Cue Chang joke about dressing up as Jin.


Lost Rhapsody

Your weekend just got so much cooler.

Watch and enjoy...