Season 4, Episode 7: "Ji Yeon"
So I guess I'm talking to myself here on this blog, but I might as well keep it up.
Jin and Sun were the topic of discussion this week and though the first 50 minutes were pretty bland, those last 12 were nuts.
Discussion in the comments.
Jin and Sun were the topic of discussion this week and though the first 50 minutes were pretty bland, those last 12 were nuts.
Discussion in the comments.
Ok, the first thing I took from the very ending is that "Jin" "died" on Sept. 22, 2004. That's the day 815 crashed, right?
How does that make any sense? Is this a big clue as to real world time vs. island time. Especially if he's one of the Oceanic 6, which he must be, because he's buried at home. of left for dead? I don't know. Let's say he is and its Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Jin and Sun. Boom. And most people think he's dead. The general public also doesn't recognize him like they do all the other 6. So who knows. Fucking nuts.
But seriously, great editing throughout this episode leading us to the huge twist that Jin was bringing a panda to a business associate, has been married 2 months and Sun thinks he's dead. I don't know what to make of this. My guess is that Jin was brainwashed ala Michael (more on that in a sec) or Desmond and sort of. Or maybe his denial is part of the cover up?
Back to Michael. Or "Kevin Johnson" as he's going by. Next week's episode is going to give us some more info on him but it wasn't that big a surprise. I don't think he recognized Sayid though. I think he's Ben's man all the way because of Walt for some reason.
Speaking of Ben, the captain gave us some nice info - if we can trust him. Ben, or someone very powerful, faked an entire plane crash and that's why Widmore's boat is looking for him. Also, the captain knew that Des knew Mr. Widmore. So this just teases more to Ben's power and influence.
And Zoe Bell, she of Kill Bill and Death Proof, didn't have much of a part did she? That sucked.
Also, Juliet blowing up Sun's spot ruled too.
Good episode, and once again fuckin Lindelof and Cuse give us some answers (Michael is on the boat, Ben faked the crash, we have our 6) and then create new questions that we never could imagine.
Someone, lets get a dialogue goin here! I'm forgetting shit! I'm pouring my brain out 20 min after the show and you guys have all week!
Interesting point from a friend of mine.
Was Jin's story a flashback to two months after they'd been married and Sun's a flashforward to after the island?
That actually makes a whole lot more sense, if you think of it. It still leaves some questions but I TOTALLY didn't read the episode that way because they've never done that.
Did you guys read it as one flashforward or a half and half?
Half and half make a whole lot more sense. And guess what, I just make you guys think 3 people had commented but no, it's me.
I saw it as a flash forward and a flashback. Which was definitely pretty surprising because they've never done that...
And also - doing it for the first time like this... kind of a cheap trick.
So i almost hope that they were both flash forwards.... and that Jin is alive and Sun thinks he's dead. Or something like that.
Something tells me this was a flashforward and a flashback. Teasing us of things to come. Think about it... when the 6 get off the island, the show's schema is going to get crazy! I think this was a very clear introduction into possible new structures to come in the series.
If Jin or Sun was brainwashed, I think we would be clued into it somehow.
I think we've got our 6 -- Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Sun and Aaron.
Perhaps Jin was forced to sacrifice himself for his wife's safety -- that would be keeping with the episode's theme. It also makes the drama at hand in this particular episode more poignant if you know that Jin sacrifices himself AFTER his wife admits having an affair. Heartbreaking stuff.
Liked the Michael reveal. Although, I'll be honest, I was a shade disappointed that my theory of Sayid being Ben's man on the boat turned out to be not true.
G -- I wouldn't take the captain's word for the official story. There's an awful lot of bullshit to sift through this season.
Disappointed in the quick arrival and exits of Zoe Bell and Fischer Stevens. Something tells there's something more to these characters. Otherwise, why waist your budget on getting recognizable faces to fulfill what have been to this point, essentially, nothing roles?
Solid episode.
Flash-forward AND flash-back. Cheap, but good.
"Ji Leon" is the first season 4 episode that blew me away. After several weeks of feeling alone in my ambivalence about my favorite show (hey, you all felt it last season, so don't give me any shit), Lost is back on track as far as I'm concerned.
Hell yeah Zoe Bell.
I saw it as flash forward and flash back. The whole purpose of his death being the day of the crash is everyone thinks there were only 8 survivors. 6 of which made it off the island. I think jin is still alive on the island. Sun only goes to the grave because he's as good as dead because she can't get back to him. Remember the 6 are protecting those still on the island. As for our 6, I don't think Aaron counts. But, who then?
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